A Theme, a living being or an object, moves in the direction of a Goal. The Goal may be expressed or it may be understood from context, but the existence of a Goal is always implied by the motion predicate itself. | |
Los soldados LLEGARON a sus bases. | |
Goal [Goa] Semantic Type Location | Goal is any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion | |
LLEGAMOS a París antes de medianoche. | ||
This frame element is always conceptually present and specific, though it may sometimes be understood from context, rather than expressed by any separate constituent. | ||
Nuestros amigos LLEGARON ayer. DNI | ||
Theme [The] Semantic Type Physical_object | Theme is the object that moves. | |
Eva SE ACERCÓ a la pared. | ||
El coche SE ACERCÓ lentamente hacia nosotros. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Circumstances [Cir] | The FE Circumstances describes the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the event evoked by the target and any of its participants. This breaks down into two major uses: phrases expressing prevailing physical conditions; phrases expressing concurrent states of affairs which are neither Re_encodings, nor properties predicated of a participant of the frame evoked by the target. | |
Sin comunicarlo a los demás miembros de su escuadrón, la nave espacial SE FUE APROXIMANDO progresivamente al centro de la galaxia. | ||
Consecutive_event [Con] | A concesutive event that affects the Theme, which is enabled by, and occurs after, the motion event evoked by the target. | |
Los agentes SE ADENTRARON en la zona montañosa, cortando el paso a todos los pueblos con acceso a las zonas vigiladas. | ||
Cotheme [Cot] | Cotheme is the second moving object, expressed as a direct object or an oblique. | |
SE ADENTRARON en la selva con sus familias. | ||
Degree [Deg] | The Degree of the motion event. | |
SE ACERCARON más al lugar del crimen para comprobar las huellas que hubiera podido dejar el asesino. | ||
Depictive [Dep] | The Depictive is a phrase which describes the state of the Theme upon arrival. | |
La princesa LLEGÓ muy sonriente a la rueda de prensa. | ||
Max LLEGÓ a casa con un ramo de flores para su mujer | ||
Distance [Dis] | The distance that the Theme has traveled. | |
El ejército SE ADENTRÓ tres quilómetros más en la zona. | ||
Duration [Dur] | Duration of the motion event. | |
Event_description [Eve] | The Event_description FE is used for phrases that describe the clause of the target as a whole. | |
El transbordador norteamericano Atlantis SE ARRIMÓ a la estación orbital rusa Mir a las 2:34 GMT del domingo, marcando el inicio de un programa de cooperación destinado a crear una futura estación espacial internacional, anunció este sábado por la noche la Agencia espacial norteamericana NASA. | ||
Frequency [Fre] | How often a motion event takes place. | |
Los guardias ENTRABAN a la sala de reuniones cada vez que entraba alguien importante. | ||
Instrument [Ins] | An Instrument that the Theme brings in the arriving action. | |
Intention [Int] | This FE expresses the intention of the motion event performed by the Theme. Intention FEs are prepositional infinitive or sentential complements introduced by the preposition a and are syntactic arguments of the verb. | |
Max VOLVIÓ a su oficina a recoger unos documentos. | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | A Manner expression describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion. Descriptions of speed, steadiness, grace, means of motion, and other things count as Manner expressions. | |
Los huelguistas VOLVIERON con desgana a sus puestos de trabajo. | ||
Manner_of_motion [Ma_m] | This FE refers to a motion predicate or an adverb that specifies the manner of the arriving event. | |
ENTRÓ corriendo en la habitación. | ||
Means [Mea] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | This FE identifies the Means by which a Theme arrives. | |
Consiguió ENTRAR en palacio sobornando a los guardias. | ||
Medium [Med] | This FE refers to a subspecification of the Medium where the motion event takes place. | |
La comitiva LLEGÓ por el aire a la localidad burgalesa de Santo Domingo de Silos. | ||
Mode_of_transportation [Mo_t] | The Mode_of_transportation expresses how the motion of the Theme is effected, by its body or by a vehicle which holds and conveys the Theme. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium. They are ususally expressed by PP headed by en, but they may also be specified with multi-word adverbs, etc. | |
LLEGAMOS a Berlín en tren. | ||
Los fugitivos LLEGARON a Francia a pie. | ||
Path [Pat] | Path is any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal. In this frame Path expressions almost always have a via-sense. | |
LLEGAMOS al faro por la carretera comarcal. | ||
LLEGAMOS a España vía Francia. | ||
Place [Pla] | This FE identifies the Place where motion event occurs. | |
En Madrid, los terroristas irrumpieron en la sucursal del banco y causaron varios destrozos. | ||
Purpose [Pur] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Purpose of the motion event. | |
María ENTRÓ a oscuras en la habitación para no despertar a su hermana. | ||
Re_encoding [Re_] | The Re_encoding FE presents the current frame as an integral part of a larger conceptualization expressed by another frame. The frame expressed by the target typically corresponds to a Means action within the frame expressed by the Re_encoding, but not necessarily. | |
Reason [Rea] | Reason why the motion event takes place. | |
Los muchachos ACUDIERON tarde a la cita con el profesor porque se entretuvieron por el camino. | ||
Result [Res] | The Result of the motion event. | |
La policía LLEGÓ al lugar del accidente cortando el paso a los vehículos que estaban circulando. | ||
Simultaneous_event [Sim] | The Simultaneous_event FE refers to an event that takes place simultaneously with the communication event. The Simultaneous_event is conceived of as independent: it would occur regardless of the event expressed by the target, which is not even an incidental or optional sub-part of the Simultaneous_event. | |
Source [Sou] Semantic Type Source | Source is any expression which implies a definite starting-point of motion. Source expressions are also possible in this frame. When they occur, they often express a general direction from which a Theme moves. | |
Max SE le ACERCÓ por la espalda. | ||
But Source expressions in this frame may also express a landmark away from which the Theme moves. | ||
El presidente LLEGÓ de Nueva York ayer por la tarde. | ||
Speed [Spe] | This FE identifies the Speed at which the motion occurs. | |
Marcos SE APROXIMÓ velozmente al lugar del accidente. | ||
Time [Tim] Semantic Type Time | This FE identifies the Time when arriving occurs. | |
El presidente LLEGÓ por avión a las tres de la tarde. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Visiting_scenario_arrival, Visitor_arrival
Subframe of: Traversing
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by: Departing
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
acercarse.v, acudir.v, adentrarse.v, aproximarse.v, arrimarse.v, avanzar.v, encaminarse.v, entrar.v, inmigrar.v, irrumpir.v, llegada.n, llegar.v, peregrinar.v, replegarse.v, venir.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:10 CET 2001