

The Speaker expresses through language his wish to get the Addressee to act. There is no implication that the Addressee forms an intention to act, let alone acts.

Su abogado le ACONSEJÓ que no declarara durante el juicio.


Addressee [Add]
Semantic Type
The person that the Speaker seeks to influence to act.
       Max me ACONSEJÓ que no invirtiese en esta empresa.

Content [Con ]
Semantic Type
The wish for action on the Addressee's part that the Speaker expresses.
       Nuestros asesores nos RECOMENDARON que comprásemos acciones de de esta nuevo empresa.

Medium [Text]
The written or spoken material that contains a message that potentially influences the Addressee towards the Content.
       Este estudio RECOMIENDA no abusar de las cremas de protección solar.

Speaker [Spkr]
Semantic Type
The person who intends through the use of language to get another person to act.
       Las autoridades nos ACONSEJARON que abandonásemos el país lo antes posible.

Topic [Top]
What the communication is about.
       Mi abogado me ASESORÓ sobre este tema.
  Occassionally, both Topic and Content may cooccur in the same sentence.
       Con respecto a don Iñigo de Montoya, le ACONSEJO que no vuelva a hablar con él.

Event_description [Eve]
This FE is used for phrases that describe the clause of the target as a whole. This FE usually refers to apprailas of the event, typically a judgement of its expectedness. The notion of appraisal usually requires a factive portrayal of the event.
       Sorprendentemente, fueron los partidos de izquierdas los que ASESORARON al gobierno para liquidar la medicina pública en España.

Manner []
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action.

Means []
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Means by which a communication occurs.

Place []
Where the communication event takes place.

Purpose []
This FE identifies the Purpose of the communication event.

Reason []
Typically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Speaker.

Time []
This FE identifies the Time when communication event takes place.

Inherits From: Attempt
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Communication, Influence_of_event_on_cognizer
Is Used By: Suasion
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

aconsejar.v, animar.v, asesorar.v, exhortar.v, incitar.v, instar.v, recomendar.v, rogar.v, suplicar.v

Created by subirats on Mon Mar 22 18:08:42 CET 2004