

A Cognizer has a piece of Content in his model of the world. The Content is not necessarily present due to immediate perception, but usually, rather, due to deduction from perceivables. In some cases, the deduction of the Content is implicitly based on confidence in sources of information (creer 'believe'), in some cases based on logic (pensar 'think'), and in other cases the source of the deduction is deprofiled (saber 'know'). The Awareness frame should not be confused with the Opinion frame. The latter indicates that the Cognizer considers something as true, but the Opinion FE (compare to Content) is not presupposed to be true; rather it is something that is considered a potential point of difference. In the lexical units that are in the Awareness frame, however, the Content is presupposed.

El Ministerio de Defensa IGNORABA que algunos coroneles estaban traficando con armamento atómico.

Su IGNORANCIA sobre este tema era absoluta.

El gobierno TENÍA CONOCIMIENTO de que se estaban violando los acuerdos internacionales en materia de venta y producción de armas.

Nosotros somos CONSCIENTES de nuestra responsabilidad en esta cuestión.



Cognizer [Cog]
Semantic Type
The Cognizer is the person whose awareness of phenomena is at question. With a target verb noun (with support verb) or adjective the Cognizer is generally expressed as an External argument with the Content expressed as an object or a complement.
       Los científicos no IGNORABAN las consecuencias de la radiación sobre los seres humanos.
       El gobierno TIENE CONOCIMIENTO de los graves incidentes ocurridos en el país.
       Nosotros somos CONSCIENTES de que esa medida ha causado graves daños en la economía.

Content [Con]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the object of the Cognizer's awareness. Content can be expressed as a direct object or in a PP Complement:
       La policia SOSPECHA que esta banda ha participado en el golpe.
       Somos CONSCIENTES de la crisis económica que afecta a nuestra economía.

Topic [Top]
Some verbs in this frame allow a Topic to be expressed in sobre (about)-PPs.
       La IGNORANCIA de los políticos sobre el tema era sorprendente.
  However, a number of nouns and adjectives in this frame allow Topic to be expressed as an adjectival or adverbial modifier.
       La CONCIENCIA medioambiental de los ciudadanos ha ido creciendo durante los últimos años.
Circumstances [Cir]
The Circumstances FE describes the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the event evoked by the target and any of its participants. This breaks down into two major uses: phrases expressing prevailing physical conditions; phrases expressing concurrent states of affairs which are neither Re_encodings (that is, larger events of which the event expressed by the target is part), nor properties predicated of a participant of the frame evoked by the target.

Co_participant [Co_p]
The Co_participant FE referes to an entity that participates in a coordinated way in the same event as the primary protagonist, regardless of whether the protagonist, and hence the Co_participant, is more agent- or more undergoer-like.
       DESCUBRÍ con su ayuda que todos estos años había estado trabajando en temas carentes de interés desde el punto de vista cognitivo.

Degree [Deg]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
       ¿IGNORABAN Vdes. completamente este problema?

Depictive [Dep]
Any phrase or word that describes the External or the Object.
       Abel Ferrara no lo CREYÓ necesario.

Evidence [Evi]
This FE identifies the source of awareness or knowledge that can be expressed in a PP Complement.
       DESCUBRIÓ con horror a partir de la amplísima documentación confidencial que le mostró la policía militar que su marido había sido un exterminador en un campo de concentración nazi.

Explanation [Expl]
The Explanation FE denotes a proposition from which the main clause (headed by the target) logically follows. This often means that the Explanation causes the state of affairs expressed by the target, but not in all cases. In particular, there are cases where the connection is a bit weaker than normal for causation. In these instances, cause is mediated by some actor responding in a complex way to the situation; such a sentence is not at all paraphrasable in the language of direct causation.
       Su actuación no levantó SOSPECHAS, puesto que la transacción se realizó a través de un banco suizo.

Expressor [Exp]
Expressor is the body part that reveals the Cognizer's state to the observer.
       Bob's eyes were overly AWARE.

Frequency [Fre]
The FE Frequency is defined as the number of times an event occurs per some unit of time. A Frequency expression answers the question how often. It is to be distinguished from Iteration, which pertains simply to the number of times an event occurs--Iteration expressions answer the question how many times.
       Cada día que pasaba, era más CONSCIENTE del error que había cometido.

Iteration [Ite]
The FE Iteration is used for expressions that indicate the number of times an event or state (of the kind denoted by the target in its clause) has taken place or held.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action.

Paradigm [Par]
This frame element identifies the Paradigm which serves as the basis for the Cognizer's awareness.
       The formation of black holes should be UNDERSTOOD in astrophysic terms.

Role [Rol]
Role is the category within which an element of the Content is considered.
       He UNDERSTOOD her remark as an insult.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
When the event takes place.
       Hasta el momento, se IGNORA cuál fue la causa del accidente.

Inherits From: Mental_activity
Is Inherited By: Expectation, Grasp
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Information
Is Used By: Certainty
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

conciencia.n, consciente.a, creencia.n, creer.v, ignorancia.n, ignorar.v, imaginarse.v, pensar.v, saber.v, sospecha.n, sospechar.v, suponer.v, tener_conocimiento.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:51 CET 2001