

Words in this frame have to do with a Cognizer, usually a person, becoming aware of some Phenomenon without a process of reasoning. Predicates in this frame are similar to Coming_to_believe words, except the latter generally involve reasoning from Evidence. The words in this frame take direct objects that denote entities in the world, and indicate awareness of those entities, without necessarily giving any information about the content of the Cognizer's belief or knowledge. These words also resemble perception words, since creatures often become aware of things by perceiving them.

Sandokán SE DIO CUENTA con dolor de que aquel sapo no era una princesa encantada.

Eva NOTÓ que Max se había pasado un poco durante la conferencia.

La policía le RECONOCIÓ inmediatamente.



Cognizer [Cog]
Semantic Type
The Cognizer is the person who becomes aware of a Phenomenon. It is normally expressed as an External Argument:
       El presidente no SE DIO CUENTA de que había cometido un grave error.

Phenomenon [Phe]
The Phenomenon is the entity or situation in the world of which a Cognizer becomes aware. It is normally expressed as an Object.
       La princesa SE PERCATÓ de que estaba rodeada de arpías en su palacio.

Topic [Top]
Topic indicates the general field within which the Phenomenon is found.
       Scientists attempt to make DISCOVERIES about the laws of nature.
Category [Cat]
This FE expresses a general type or class of which the Phenomenon or Topic is considered an instance. Typically, it is expressed in a prepositional phrase headed by como 'as' with a nominal or adjectival head.
       No quiere RECONOCER estos casos de corrupción como un síntoma de la descomposición interna de su gobierno.
       Después de tanto tiempo, ya no RECONOCÍ aquella obra como mía.

Circumstances []

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
Degree to which event occurs.

Depictive []
Any word or phrase that caracterizes the External or the Object of the event.
       La mayoría de la gente lo ENCUENTRA cómico.

Evidence [Evi]
This index is some fact that allows the Cognizer to become aware of something. It is normally expressed as a PP head:
       La policía le reconoció por la voz.

Ground [Ground]
The FE Ground is the background or context against which a Cognizer becomes aware of a Phenomenon. It is normally expressed by a locative PP.
       DESCUBRÍ un restaurante bueno y barato en el barrio chino de Barcelona.
       NOTÉ una cierta ironía en su voz.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
This FE identifes the Manner in which becoming aware occurs.
       Sandokán SE DIO CUENTA con dolor de que aquella rana no era una princesa encantada.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type

Place []
This FE referes to the Place where the cognition event takes place.

Purpose []
Semantic Type

Reason []
Why the event takes place.

State [State]
The FE State is the state or situation of the Phenomenon at the time when the Cognizer becomes aware of it. It is normally expressed by a Predicate expression (e.g. a PP or a participial VP):
       We DISCOVERED the children playing in the pantry.

Time []
Semantic Type
When the event occurs.

Inherits From: Perception
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

advertir.v, darse_cuenta.v, detectar.v, encontrar.v, encontrarse.v, enterarse.v, notar.v, observar.v, percatarse.v, persuadirse.v, reconocer.v, reparar.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:52 CET 2001