

Artists work at various tasks that further the completion of a film, play, television show, or other similar Production. Artists never appear on stage or in front of a camera. Some (e.g., a director) may interact with the actors (on-screen participants) of the Production. Often times a particular Production is made for distribution by a Distributor, by a particular Studio, or in a specific Medium. The Artists may be categorized into Type or work in specific Medium.

Steven Spielberg DIRECTED several films for Universal Pictures.

Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment PRODUCED Jurassic Park for MCA.

Surprisingly, this film PRODUCER was willing to work for a cable company.

Independent PRODUCERS often win big at smaller film festivals.
Semantic Type Non-perspectivalized_frame


Artist [Art]
The Artist works off-stage to help make the Production.
       John Williams COMPOSED the soundtrack to Star Wars.

Distributor [Dist]
Often (especially with film or television) the Production is advertised and transmitted to the audience by the Distributor.
       Even desperate producers would never PRODUCE a film for that television station.

Medium [Med]
This FE indicates the Medium in which a particular Artist works or a Production is made.
       He PRODUCES for television
       She is a theatre DIRECTOR.

Performer [Perf]
In screen performances, the Performer is filmed as he or she acts out a role with respect to the larger Production
       This particular scene was SHOT with a local choir and dancers.

Production [Prod]
The Production is the final product put out by the off-stage (and on-stage) participants.
       Ralph Smith PRODUCED the off-Broadway hit "Why Is My Name Ralph?".

Scene [Scene]
A Scene is a sub-part of a larger production. In film, scenes are sometimes recorded independently, and later edited into the final movie.

Score [Scr]
The music which may be performed in the performance of the Production, either in isolation or accompanying actions and speech.

Studio [Studio]
This FE indicates the particular orgainzaion that makes the Production.
       The latest performance PRODUCED by The Umbrella Thesbians was a major hit in France.
       First layer: New Line Cinema PRODUCES several films each year.
       Second layer: New Line Cinema PRODUCES several films each year.

Type [Type]
An Artist may be categorizedy by Type.
       Hollywood DIRECTOR
       independent FILM-MAKER

Manner [Mnr]
Semantic Type Manner
The Manner in which the Artist creates the Production.

Nationality [Nat]
This FE indicates the Nationality, ethnicity, or primary working location of the Artist.
       Several Canadian DIRECTORS have received attention from critics in recent years.
       Local FILM-MAKERS often collaborate for larger efforts.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type Locative_relation
This FE indicates the location of production.
       The documentary was SHOT on location.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type State_of_affairs
The Purpose for which an Artist works on a Production.
       I PRODUCED this film to let people know what I went through as a child.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type Time
This FE indicates the time when the Production is made.
       Silence of the Lambs was FILMED in 1991.

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Uses: Performing_arts
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Lexical Units

Created by rleegold on Fri Oct 04 08:52:30 CEST 2002