An Asset is in a state where it is exposed to or otherwise liable to be affected by a Harmful_event, which may be metonymically evoked by reference to a Dangerous_entity. Words expressing relative safety (i.e., lack of risk) are also in this frame. | |
Los trabajadores CORREN EL PELIGRO de ser despedidos por la empresa. | |
No nos sentimos SEGUROS ni ante los terroristas ni ante sus encubridores. | |
Nadie estaría A SALVO frente a un posible ataque extraterrestre. | |
Asset [Ass] | Something judged to be desirable or valuable which might be lost or damaged. | |
Victor Creix, el depravado jefe de la policía política franquista en Barcelona, CORRIÓ EL RIESGO de ser ajusticiado por sus víctimas. | ||
La iglesia y sus inquisidores, así como los dictadores, nunca HAN CORRIDO ningún PELIGRO en España. | ||
Dangerous_entity [Dan] | A concrete or abstract entity which may come to cause the loss of, or damage to the Asset either due to its participation in a Harmful_event. | |
No nos sentimos SEGUROS ni ante los terroristas ni ante sus encubridores. | ||
Harmful_event [Har] | An action that may occur or a state which may hold which could result in the loss of or damage to the Asset. | |
Nuestro mundo CORRE EL PELIGRO de desaparecer. | ||
Las bases de datos de la empresa están A SALVO frente a posibles ataques informáticos de malvados perpetradores. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Concessive [Con] | This FE signifies that the state of affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state of affairs would be expected given the state of affairs in the concessive clause. In other words, given only the facts of the Concessive, one would expect them to cause the world to be the opposite of what is portrayed in the main clause. | |
El éxito de nuestra empresa PELIGRA, aunque parece que nadie es consciente de ello. | ||
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | A modifier expressing the deviation of the actual level of security from the expected value given the Asset and the state indicated by the target itself. | |
La población civil CORRE grandes PELIGROS en las guerras modernas. | ||
Domain [dom] | The Domain in which the Asset has a degree of safety. | |
La empresa se siente financieramente SEGURA para hacer frente a la crisis. | ||
Duration [Dur] | Duration denotes the length of time from the beginning of a continuous situation (the one denoted by the target) to its end. In many cases, the continuous situation is a dynamic action which is ongoing, while in others it is simply an undifferentiated state. | |
Durante unos días, la ciudad estuvo EN PELIGRO a causa de las fuertes lluvias. | ||
Explanation [exp] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Explanation FE denotes a proposition from which the main clause (headed by the target) logically follows. This often means that the Explanatin causes the state of affairs expressed by the target, but not in all cases. In particular, there are cases where the connection is a bit weaker than normal for causation. In these instances, cause is mediated by some actor responding in a complex way to the situation; such a sentence is not at all paraphrasable in the language of direct causation. | |
La región de Norteamérica PELIGRA por ser el mercado abierto más grande de l mundo. | ||
Focal_participant [Fo_p] | An entity which is related to the Asset that is potentially in danger. | |
La victoria empezaba a estar EN PELIGRO para nosotros. | ||
Particular_Iteration [Pa_I] | Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states. In addition, most expressions of Particular_Iteration indicate which instance of the series is being referred to. | |
Por primera vez en nuestra larga trayectoria investigadora, Zapatero puso nuestro grupo de investigación EN PELIGRO. | ||
Place [pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | A particular location in which the Asset is secure. Frequently, it is to be inferred that the characteristics of the location protect the Asset from a potential Harmful_event. | |
La democracia CORRE PELIGRO en estos países. | ||
Purpose [Pur] | This FE identifies the Purpose of the event. | |
Están dispuestas a CORRER RIESGOS para poder entrar en los países de la Unión Europea. | ||
Situation [Sit] | The Situation under which the Asset is safe or unsafe. | |
La mayoría de los ciudadanos están convencidos de que estarán más SEGUROS con el partido de la oposición. | ||
Our children are SAFE with that criminal behind bars. | ||
Most expressions of Time and Place also express the Situation and should be labeled as such on the 2nd FE layer. | ||
Time [tim] Semantic Type Time | The time period during which the Asset enjoys the specified level of security from a Harmful_event. | |
AHORA, estamos A SALVO. | ||
Inherits From: Gradable_attributes
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Risk_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Run_risk
a_salvo.a, correr_un_peligro.v, correr_un_riesgo.v, en_peligro.a, peligrar.v, seguro.a
Created by josef on Thu Jul 14 11:02:42 CEST 2005