A Cognizer is influenced by a Situation or an Entity. The influence on the Cognizer may be manifested in the Cognizer's engaging in an Action as a consequence of being influenced. A Product may be specified whose production or design was influenced by the Cognizer's experience of the Situation or Entity. | |
While the Subjective_influence frame profiles the Situation or Entity that has an influence on the Cognizer, the Being_influenced frame profiles the Cognizer. Moreover, in this frame the Cognizer that perceives a certain influence has to respond to it in any way, while in the Subjective_influence does not. | |
Javier Bardem SE INSPIRÓ en George Bush, presidente de los EE.UU, para representar a un asesino psicópata. | |
El asesino SE INSPIRÓ en las masacres cometidas en los últimos años en EE. UU. DNI | |
Action [act] | An Action that the Cognizer decides to carry out as a consequence of the influence of a Situation or Entity. | |
Javier Bardem SE INSPIRÓ en George Bush, presidente de los EE.UU, para representar a un asesino psicópata. | ||
Cognizer [cog] | The person who is influenced by the Situation or Entity. | |
Georges Lucas SE INSPIRÓ en el escritor Isaac Asimov para hacer la Guerra de las Galaxias. | ||
Entity [ent] | A person or thing that the Cognizer in influenced by. | |
¿SE INSPIRÓ Gaudí en la Alhambra para la concepción de algunos de sus edificios? | ||
Situation [sit] | A state of affairs---which can be an event, state or conditions---that the Cognizer is influenced by. | |
El asesino SE INSPIRÓ en las masacres cometidas en los últimos años en EE. UU. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Behavior [beh] | A Behavior that the Cognizer is engaged in independently but whose execution is subsequently influenced by the Situation or Entity. | |
Attention will also be paid to St. Paul , what INFLUENCED him in his thinking and what he wrote in his letters about sex, sexuality, men and women | ||
Degree [Deg] | This FE identifies the Degree to which a Cognizer is influenced by a Situation or an Entity. | |
SE INSPIRÓ casi completamente en J. S. Bach para componer una de sus obras más importantes. | ||
Product [pro] | An entity that stands metonymically for the actions and considerations that produced it. | |
Does anyone know what INSPIRED this song? | ||
Time [Tim] | This FE denotes the Time when a Cognizer is influenced by a Situation or an Entity. | |
La popular actriz reveló que durante un reciente viaje por el Caribe SE INSPIRÓ para la realización de su vídeo. | ||
Inherits From:
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See Also:
Created by subirats on Fri Jun 16 01:46:51 CEST 2006