

Under some Condition, usually left implicit, a Duty needs to be fulfilled by a Responsible_party. If the Duty is not performed, there may be some undesirable Consequence for the Responsible_party, which may or may not be stated overtly. Compare this frame to the Being_obligated frame.

Es OBLIGATORIO para todo el personal lavarse las manos después de utilizar el servicio.

Es OBLIGACIÓN de todos velar por el cumplimiento de las leyes.

Durante todo el siglo XVI, el cacao en Europa fue de exclusiva INCUMBENCIA española.

Este asunto no es de mi INCUMBENCIA.

Los temas relacionados con la identidad patriótica no me INCUMBEN.



Duty [Dut]
The action that the Responsible_party is obligated to perform.
       Getting a shot against yellow fever is OBLIGATORY for travellers to Benin.

Responsible_party [Res]
The person who must perform the Duty.
       The use of TM software is OBLIGATORY for every freelance translator working on projects for our company.
Condition [cond]
This FE indicates the Condition under which the Duty is required of the Responsible_party.
       The use of a spirometer is MANDATORY if early stages of chronic obstructive lung disease are to be detected.

Consequence [cons]
The Consequence will result if the Duty is not performed.
       Attendance of the 341 meeting of creditors is MANDATORY or you will not receive your discharge.

Explanation [exp]
Semantic Type
The reason why the Duty is necessary for the Responsible_party.
       Rigorous posttreatment follow-up is MANDATORY, because long-term recurrence rates after treatment of melanoma in situ with imiquimod are yet unknown.

Place [pla]
Semantic Type
A location in which the Duty obtains.
       Gymnasium is not OBLIGATORY in Sweden, but nearly everyone attends gymnasium

Purpose [pur]
Semantic Type
The positive consequence of the Duty being fulfilled.
       Not acting as a savior is compulsory to avoid misunderstanding and loss of confidence in partnership, which many American investors, particularly African Americans, may experience.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The time interval during which the Duty is mandatory.
       These days, wearing a seat-belt is MANDATORY.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Obligation_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

forzoso.a, incumbencia.n, incumbir.v, obligado.a, obligatorio.a, preceptivo.a

Created by josef on Thu Jul 08 17:27:51 CEST 2004