

This frame contains predicates for motions or actions an Agent performs using some part of his/her body, the Body_part.

Los mineros tenían que AGACHAR la cabeza antes de entrar en la galería.
These examples differ from Gesture in that no specific message or addressee need be expressed. The following is an example of Gesture:

Ella me GUIÑABA EL OJO cada vez que nos cruzábamos.
Since this frame involves a particular type of motion, it may contain the frame elements Path and Goal, which originate in the motion frame. All of these frame elements are generally deprofiled. Source never occurs in this frame in Spanish.

CONTONEABA su bella figura a lo largo del borde de la fuente. ECNI


Agent [Age]
Semantic Type
The Agent uses some part of his/her body to perform the action. Agent occurs as the External Argument.
       Pilar AGACHÓ la cabeza.

Body_part [Body]
Semantic Type
With some verbs in this frame, the Body_part involved in the action is specified by the meaning of the verb and cannot be expressed separately:
       Miraba con tanta atención que ni siquiera PESTAÑEABA (*sus pestañas).
  With others, the Body_part is specified by the verb but can optionally be expressed separately, although its presence is generally redundant.
       El policía COJEABA.
       El policía COJEABA de una pierna.
  A few verbs have a default Body_part which need not be expressed but this can be overridden by the expression of some other Body_part.
       Tras el impacto, solo podía PARPADEAR con el ojo izquierdo.
  The remainder of the verbs require a Body_part to be expressed in a separate constituent.
       CERRÉ los ojos para no deslumbrarme.
  The FE Body_part generally occurs either as a direct or a prepositional object.

Area [Are]
Any expression describing a region in which the motion takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular and not to consist of a single linear path.
       A esas horas de la noche, únicamente los noctámbulos empedernidos SE CONTONEAN lánguidamente por las aceras.

Circumstances [Cir]
The FE Circumstances describes the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the event itself and any of its participants. This breaks down into two major uses: (1) phrases expressing prevailing physical conditions, (2) phrases expressing concurrent states of affairs which are neither Re_encodings (that is, larger events of which the event expressed by the target is part), (3) nor properties predicated of a participant of the frame evoked by the target.
       Las viudas, en medio de un fingido llanto, SE CONTONEBAN sin cesar con la complicidad de la noche.

Concessive [Con]
This FE signifies that the state of affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state of affairs would be expected given the state of affairs in the concessive clause. In other words, given only the facts of the Concessive, one would expect them to cause the world to be the opposite of what is portrayed in the main clause.
       Tras la caída, COJEABA mucho, aunque podía mantenerse de pie.

Containing_event [Con_e]
The FE Containing_event denotes an event that occurs or state of affairs that holds at a time that includes the time during which the event or state of affairs reported by the target occurs and of which it is taken to be a part.
       Durante aquel lamentable espectáculo improvisado, unas jóvenes escuálidas CONTONEABAN sus desgarbados cuerpos sin cesar.

Coordinated_event [Coo]
The FE Coordinated_event refers to phrases denoting an event (it does not allow states) that the event expressed by the target is rhythmically aligned with. The Coordinated_event is conceived as independent: it would occur regardless of the event expressed by the target, which is not even an incidental or optional sub-part of the Coordinated_event. The Coordinated_event can be metonymically referred to with nominals headed by ritmo (rhythm), compás (beat), son (sound), etc.
       SE CONTONEABAN al son de la música.

Degree [Deg]
Semantic Type
Degree to which event occurs.
       La mujer COJEA un poco desde que tuvo el accidente.

Depictive [Dep]
This FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
       Esos pequeños gusanos SE CONTONEAN desesperados debajo de la piel enrojecida.

Direction [Dir]
The Direction towards which the body movement is directed.
       Movía sin parar su cabeza de un lado a otro.
       Intentó acercarse, ABRIENDO su mano herida en dirección a ella.

Facilitating_event [Fac]
An event that facilitates the event denoted by the target.
       PARPADEÓ deslumbrada ante el haz de una linterna en un tenebroso refugio subterráneo de Grozni.

Frequency [Fre]
How often a motion event takes place.

Goal [Goal]
Semantic Type
Any expression which identifies the endpoint of movement.
       Pat DROPPED her hands to her lap.

Internal_cause []
Body movement may be prompted by either some outside phenomenon or occurrence, or by an Internal_cause, the Agent's mental or emotional state. Internal_cause is expressed in a PP Complement.
       Kim BENT her head in concentration.
       Kim THREW her hands up in despair.

Iteration [Ite]
The number of times that a body movement event takes place.
       PARPADEÓ varias veces antes de contestarle.

Location [Loc]
The place or setting in which the agent move his body.
       Lentamente, CERRÓ su mano en torno a l mango y empezó a sacar la hoja.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Manner in which the body movement occurs.
       Marta AGACHÓ la cabeza imperceptiblemente.

Means [Mea]
The means by which assessment occurs.
       Sampras COJEABA alrededor de la cancha, tratando de mantenerse de pie para continuar jugando.

Path [Pat]
Path is any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal.
       CONTONEABA su bellísima figura a lo largo de l borde de la fuente.

Place [Pla]
Semantic Type
The location within which the movement of a Body_part takes place.
       El danés COJEABA en el podio, mientras recibía su camiseta de líder.

Purpose [Pur]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Purpose of the body movement.
       AGACHÓ la cabeza para esquivar el balón.

Re_encoding [Re_e]
This FE presents the current frame as an integral part of a larger conceptualization expressed by another frame. The frame expressed by the target typically corresponds to a Means action within the frame expressed by the Re_encoding FE.
       AGITABA desesperadamente los brazos en clara petición de ayuda.

Reason [Rea]
A state of affairs the Agent is responding to in performing the action indicated by the target.
       Alomar COJEABA a causa de un tobillo lastimado.

Result [Res]
This FE identifies the Result of an event.
       El monstruo ABRIÓ su boca más y más hasta convertirla en un gigantesco agujero.

Source [Sou]
Semantic Type
Source is the place from which the Body_part is moved.
       Pat SWUNG his legs from under the table.

Supporting_body_part []
The part of the body that provides support to the Agent in holding the posture.
       Smithers CROUCHED down on his haunces.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
Time when the event occurs.
       Cuando garabatea, AGACHA la cabeza sobre el papel.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Motion, Observable_bodyparts
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

abrir.v, agachar.v, agitar.v, cerrar.v, cojear.v, contonear.v, contonearse.v, parpadear.v, pestañear.v, renquear.v, sacudir.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:49 CET 2001