

This frame concerns the movement of a Theme and an Agent and/or Carrier. The Agent, a person or other sentient entity, controls the shared Path by moving the Theme during the motion. In other words, the Agent has overall motion in directing the motion of the Theme. The Carrier may be a separate entity, or it may be the Agent's body. The Constant_location may be a subregion of the Agent's body or (a subregion of) a vehicle that the Agent uses.

Los obreros TRANSPORTARON el material hasta la obra.

Los camiones TRANSPORTARON el material radiactivo al centro de almacenamiento en cajas especiales.
The FEs include Path, Goal, and Source. The FE Area refers to an area that contains the motion when the path is understood as irregular. This frame empasizes the path of movement as opposed to the FEs Source or Goal as in Filling or Placing.


Agent [Age]
Semantic Type
The Agent is a sentient being who physically controls the movement of the Theme via the carrier, accompanying the Theme.
       La bibliotecaria TRASLADÓ los libros de una estantería a otra.

Carrier []
The Carrier provides support for the Theme. Movement of the Carrier results in movement of the Theme.
       La lancha los TRASLADÓ hasta la orilla del río.

Constant_location [CL]
The Constant_location expresses the location of the Theme relative to the Carrier. This relationship holds for the entire length of the carrying event.
       Una brigada especial TRANSPORTABA el alijo de tabaco en un furgón policial.
       Eva LLEVABA los libros en sus brazos.

Goal [Goa]
Semantic Type
Goal identifies the endpoint of the path.
       La bibliotecaria LLEVÓ los libros a la biblioteca.

Source [Sou]
Semantic Type
Source indicates the beginning of the path along which the Theme travels.
       Los camioneros TRANSPORTARON la mercancía de Málaga a Algeciras.

Theme []
Semantic Type
The objects being carried.
       Max LLEVÓ las bolsas de la compra al coche.

Area [Are]
Area is used for descripriona of a general area in which the carrying action takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular or not to consist of a single, linear path.

Depictive []
Depictive identifies a phrase describing the Carrier, Agent or Theme.

Intention []

Manner []
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Manner in which the Carrier or Agent carries the Theme.

Means []
Semantic Type
The actions the Agent takes to move the Theme.

Path [Pat]
Path along which carrying occurs.
       TRANSPORTABAN las mercancías peligrosas por una carretera secundaria..

Place []
Semantic Type
The Place is the general area that serves as a setting for the specific motion of the Agent and Theme (with Source, Path, or Goal).
       Even in such a small port, these boats would TRANSPORT many tons of trade-goods in to shore annually.

Purpose [Pur]
Semantic Type
The Purpose for which the Carrier or Agent carries the Theme.
       TRANSPORTARON el material hasta allí para iniciar la nueva construcción.

Reason [Rea]
Reason why the motion event takes place.

Recipient []
This FE referes to Recipient to whom the Agent brings the Theme.
       Caperucita le LLEVÓ una tarrita de miel a su abuelita.

Time []
Semantic Type
Time at which the motion of the Theme occurs.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Cause_motion, Motion
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Motion

Lexical Units

llevar.v, traer.v, transportar.v, trasladar.v

Created by rocio on Tue Sep 07 10:54:16 CEST 2004