

A Cognizer construes an Item as belonging to a certain Category. In this process, the Cognizer may either passively perceive the Item and note that it fits the Criteria for a Category, or, alternatively, actively examine the Item for certain Criteria that define a Category (or set of Categorys).

El mandatario extranjero CALIFICÓ a España de república bananera.

Todos le CONSIDERAN un impresentable.


Category [Cat]
This frame element expresses a general type or class of which the Item is considered an instance. Typically, it is expressed in a prepositional phrase headed by como (as) or de (of) with a nominal or adjective head.
       La Organización Mundial de la Salud CATALOGÓ el «parathion» como una sustancia extremandamente peligrosa.
       Los sindicatos CATALOGARON de irresponsables a las personas que llevaron a niños a la manifestación.
       Davidow CATALOGÓ de notable el progreso regional en materia de democracia y derechos humanos.

Cognizer [Cog]
Semantic Type
This is the person who performs an act of categorization. Typically, this frame element is expressed as an External Argument.
       Los operadores de la planta CLASIFICARON el incidente como un evento inusual.

Criteria [Cri]
This frame element expresses properties of the Item which is used as a basis for categorization. Criteria are the general dimensions along which Items can potentially differ from one another and hence, fall into different Categorys. For example, a paint sample can be classified by color or by finish (matte or gloss); if they are classified by color, one can be classified as orange and another as red. The Criteria FE is typically expressed as a PP headed by por (by), or as a complex PP of the form en función de (on the basis of), de acuerdo con (according to), etc.:
       La CLASIFICACIÓN de las palabras del léxico por orden alfabético tiene una larga tradición.
       Estas películas las vamos a CLASIFICAR en función del nivel de viloencia de sus contenidos..

Item [Ite]
This is the entity or situation which is construed or treated by the Cognizer as being an instance of a particular Category. Typically, the Item is expressed as an Object.
       Arafat CALIFICÓ a González de amigo del pueblo palestino.
       CREO innecesario tenerle que repetir, Sra. Directora General, que es un Vd. una perfecta impresentable.

Concessive [Con]
This FE signifies that the state of affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state of affairs would be expected given the state of affairs in the Concessive clause.
       Faundes CATALOGÓ la acusación en su contra como un complot para destituirlo, aunque no entró en mayores detalles.

Conditions [Cond]
The Conditions are the set of circumstances in which the categorization holds.
       Material posessions are DEFINED as valuable in a particular society.

Degree [Deg]
This FE identifies the Degree to which the categorization occurs.
       La CATALOGACIÓN completa de su obra implicó varios años de trabajo.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
This FE ideintifies the Manner of performing the categroization..
       CATALOGARON su obra con gran precisión.

Means [Mea]
Semantic Type
An act whereby the Cognizer categorizes.
       Haciendo un análisis « a priori » de las posibilidades que tienen de ganar, podríamos CLASIFICARLOS en tercera posición.

Place [Pla]
Place where the categorization takes place.

Purpose [Pur]
This FE identifies what the Cognizer hopes to accomplish.
       CLASIFICARON a los distintos grupos políticos para poder hacer una valoración de la situación..

Reason [Rea]
Why the cognition event takes place.
       Se hizo la CLASIFICACIÓN de este modo, porque era absolutamente necesario.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
This Frame Element marks expressions that indicate when a certain Categorization was made.
       Hace veinte o treinta años, el matrimonio homosexual se HUBIERA CONSIDERADO como algo insólito o incluso inconcebible.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Instance, Mental_activity
Is Used By: Being_in_category, Communicate_categorization
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

catalogación.n, catalogar.v, categorización.n, clasificación.n, clasificar.v, considerar.v, creer.v, encontrar.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:53 CET 2001