

An Agent or Cause causes an Entity to change, either in its category membership or in terms of the value of an Attribute. In the former case, an Initial_category and a Final_category may be expressed, in the latter case an Initial_value and a Final_value can be specified.

Our storylines follows the saga outlined by the Ultima Series, but we have MODIFIED it in order to make our writing more cohesive.

I don't think you can TURN that rabbit into a hat.

How can a guy that CHANGED his name from Bob Craft to Jack Ass declare anyone defamed his character?

At this juncture, a new development CHANGED the political situation on the island.

She had at some time earlier completely CHANGED her clothing and appearance and now stood in front of me dressed like a garden gnome.

Hence, when (Hg 0 ) is CONVERTED to Hg 2+ , it can be rapidly taken up in rain water, snow, or adsorbed onto small particles

Hence, when (Hg 0 ) is CONVERTED to Hg 2+ , it can be rapidly taken up in rain water, snow, or adsorbed onto small particles


Agent [age]
Semantic Type
The sentient entity that effects a change in the Entity.
       The system administrator CHANGED the value from 'KDE' to 'GNOME', and then restarted the system.

Attribute [att]
A characteristic of the Entity for which a value can be assigned or determined by calculation, measurement , or observation.
       We CHANGED the price from $1.26 to $1.27 per pint.

Cause [cau]
An event that causes a change in the Entity.
       Major technological innovations CHANGED the social and economic conditions.

Entity [ent]
The abstract or concrete thing or situation that the Agent causes to change.
       The recent terrorist attacks had CHANGED the political climate.

Final_category [finc]
The category that the Entity belongs to after it has undergone the change.
       The radical message of the cross transformed Saul of Tarsus and CHANGED him from a persecutor of Christians to a tender believer.

Final_value [finv]
The value that the Attribute assumes as a result of the change that the Entity is caused to undergo.
       We CHANGED the size from 8 1/2x11 to a larger 11 x 17 and gave it a complete graphical makeover.

Initial_category [inic]
The category of which the Entity is a member before the Agent causes a change.
       Her time with the Healer Craft has CHANGED her from a shy, nervous young girl into a confident (almost) young woman

Initial_value [iniv]
The value that the Attribute has before the change takes place.
       My dad CHANGED his hair color from red to blue today.

Circumstances []
Circumstances describe the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the event itself and any of its participants.

Containing_event []
This FE denotes an event that occurs or state of affairs that holds at a time that includes the time during which the event or state of affairs reported by the target occurs and of which it is taken to be a part.

Degree [deg]
Semantic Type
The extent to which the initial and final categories or values differ from each other.
       We significantly CHANGED its appearance during this time.

Duration []
Duration denotes the length of time from the beginning of a continuous situation (the one denoted by the target) to its end. In many cases, the continuous situation is a dynamic action which is ongoing, while in others it is simply an undifferentiated state.

Event_description []
In general, this FE is used for phrases that describe the clause of the target as a whole.

Manner [man]
Semantic Type
Any description of the event causing the change of the Entity which is not covered by more specific FEs, including epistemic modification (probably, presumably, mysteriously), secondary effects (quietly, loudly), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). It may also indicate salient characteristics of the Agent that also affect the action (deliberately, eagerly, carefully).
       Taking out his Driver's Ed pass certificate, Blair carefully CHANGED the '6' of 1969 to an '8' making it read 23rd February 1989.

Means [mea]
Semantic Type
An intentional action performed by the Agent (or event resulting from the Cause) that produces a change in the Entity.
       Ling said he had TRANSFORMED the car by putting slicks on.

Period_of_iterations []
The length of time from when the event denoted by the target began to be repeated to when it stopped.

Place [pla]
The location where the change of the Entity is caused.
       In his own room he had MODIFIED nothing.

Purpose [pur]
Semantic Type
An action that the Agent intends to accomplish by effecting a change in the Entity.
       His real name is Jerry Rivers, but he CHANGED it in order to sound more ethnic and appealing

Re_encoding []
This FE presents the current frame as an integral part of a larger conceptualization expressed by another frame.

Reason [rea]
Semantic Type
A state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in bringing about the change in the Entity.
       I didn't CHANGE its name because I think it has already got used to it.

Role []
The particular role that the Agent plays in the Cause_change event.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The time at which the change of the Entity is caused.
       He CHANGED it after David Bowie told him that only twerps have the same first and last name.

Inherits From: Transitive_action
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

alteración.n, alterar.v, cambiar.v, cambio.n, conversión.n, convertir.v, modificación.n, modificar.n, transformación.n, transformar.v

Created by infinity on Thu May 22 16:31:09 CEST 2003