

An Agent or a Cause causes a Fluid to move from a Source to a Goal along a Path or within an Area.

Los agricultores BOMBEAN el agua desde el canal hasta sus cultivos.

El camión cisterna IBA DERRAMANDO un fluido parduzco por la autopista.


Agent [Age]
Semantic Type
The animate protagonist who causes the Fluid to move.
       Los niños SALPICABAN agua a la gente que paseaba por el parque.

Cause [Cau]
An event or force that causes the Fluid to move.
       El viento provocó el VERTIDO de toneladas de sustancias tóxicas.
  The FE Cause also denotes a focal participant of the event that causes the Fluid to move.
       El camión cisterna IBA DERRAMANDO un fluido parduzco por la autopista.

Fluid [Flu]
The entity that changes location and moves in a fluidic way. It is not necessarily in a liquid state but is construed that way.
       María BOMBEABA agua del pozo durante toda la mañana.

Area [Are]
The setting in which the Fluid's movement takes place along an unspecified Path.
        I SPLATTERED red paint nearby.

Duration [Dur]
The amount of time for which the Fluid moves.
       El corazón de este extraordinario deportista podía BOMBEAR cincuenta litros de sangre por minuto.

Event_description [Eve]
This FE is used for phrases that describe the clause of the target as a whole and also for adjectives that describe an event or a state noun.
       La autoridades han prohido los VERTIDOS contaminantes para proteger el entorno.

Frequency [Fre]
The FE Frequency is defined as the number of times an event occurs per some unit of time. A Frequency expression answers the question how often. It is to be distinguished from Iteration, which pertains simply to the number of times an event occurs--Iteration expressions answer the question how many times.
       Cada año, se VIERTEN en la atmósfera del Valle de México cuatro millones de toneladas de sustancias contaminantes.

Goal [Goa]
Semantic Type
Goal is the location the Fluid ends up in as a result of the motion
       El buque DERRAMÓ al mar miles de toneladas crudo.

Instrument [Ins]
Semantic Type
The entity manipulated by the Agent which causes the Fluid to move.
       Los militares] comenzaron a BOMBEAR agua fuera de los diques mediante tubos de drenaje de varios metros de largo.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Any description of the event which is not covered by more specific FEs, including epistemic modification (probablemente), force (suavemente), secondary effects (silencioasamente), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). With agentive uses, it may indicate salient characteristics of an Agent that also affect the action (deliberadamente, cuidadosamente).
       Su corazón BOMBEA la sangre con normalidad.

Means [Mea]
Semantic Type
An action of the Agent which brings about the motion of the Fluid.

Particular_iteration [Par]
Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states. In addition, most expressions of Particular_iteration, like otra vez (again), por segunda vez (for the second time), etc., indicate which instance of the series is being referred to.
       Es necesario actuar con gran rapidez para que el corazón pueda BOMBEAR otra vez.

Path [Pat]
The trajectory along which the Fluid moves, exclusive of the Source and Goal.
       Los militares BOMBEAN agua fuera de los diques a través de unos tubos especiales.

Place [Pla]
Semantic Type
The location where the motion takes place.
       En Cádiz, los barcos no DERRAMARON crudo a la bahía, aunque sí lo hicieron en otros puertos.

Purpose [Pur]
Semantic Type
Purpose of the motion event.
       Los extractores BOMBEAN agua con más fuerza para que circule con mayor rapidez.

Reason [Rea]
Semantic Type
A state of affairs that the Agent is responding to in causing the Fluid to move.

Result [Res]
A state of the Fluid that results from the motion event.

Source [Sou]
Semantic Type
The location that the Fluid occupies initially.
       Los agricultores BOMBEAN el agua desde el lago.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
The Time when the fluidic motion event is caused.
       El 20 de noviembre de 1995 un navío de guerra DERRAMÓ los tanques de petróleo en el mar.

Inherits From: Cause_motion
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of: Fluidic_motion
See Also:

Lexical Units

bombear.v, derramar.v, rociar.v, salpicar.v, verter.v, vertido.n

Created by josef on Mon Dec 01 19:47:56 CET 2003