

An Agent causes a Theme to undergo directed motion. The motion may be described with respect to a Source, Path and/or Goal.

Eva le EMPUJÓ al vació.

El viento ARRASTRÓ la embarcación hasta la otra orilla.
In contrast with Placing, the Goal of motion is not emphasized. For many of these words (lanzar, arrojar, etc.), the Agent has control of the Theme only at the Source of motion, and does not experience overall motion. For others (empujar, arrastrar, etc.) the Agent has control of the Theme throughout the motion; for these words, the Theme is resistant to motion due to some friction with the surface along which they move. They thus differ from the words of the Bringing frame in that they are supported by this surface, rather than a Carrier.

This frame contrasts with the following frames which talk about an Agent changing a Theme's position with respect to a landmark (either Source or Goal): In Placing, the figure (Theme) is profiled as the object, and ends up on the ground (Goal). PON In Filling, the ground (Goal) is profiled as the object, and the figure (Theme) ends up on the ground (Goal).

LLENARON la habitación de trastos. ECNI
In Removing, the figure (Theme) is profiled, and is removed from the ground (Source).

El médico EXTRAJO la bala de su cuerpo.
In Emptying, the ground (Source) is profiled and the figure (Theme) is removed from it.

Max VACIÓ la casa de trastos


Agent [Age]
Semantic Type
The Agent is the person whose action causes the motion of a Theme. The Agent is generally realized as the External Argument.
       Eva ARROJÓ una piedra al agua.

Cause [Cau]
Cause marks expressions that indicate some non-intentional, typically non-human, force that causes the Theme to be set in motion.
       El fuerte viento EMPUJABA a las nubes hacia el norte.

Goal [Goa]
Semantic Type
The FE Goal is the point at which the Theme ends up as a result of the motion.
       Sus restos mortales FUERON ARROJADOS al mar.

Theme [The]
Semantic Type
Theme is the entity which is moved by the Agent.
       Juan LANZÓ una piedra al río.

Area [Area]
The FE Area is used for expressions which describe a general area in which motion takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular or not to consist of a single, linear path. Locative setting adjuncts may also be assigned this frame element.

Circumstances [Cir]
This FE marks the set of conditions under which the motion event occurs.

Containing_event [Co_e]

Degree []
Semantic Type
The degree of the motion event.

Depictive [Dep]
The state of a participant during the motion event.
       Destrozado y humeante, el caso del galeote FUE ARROJADO contra el acantilado por un golpe de mar.

Distance [Dist]
The FE Distance is any expression characterizing the extent of motion of the Theme.
       El impacto del choque LANZÓ a los pasajeros a varios metros de distancia.

Duration []

Facilitating_event [Fa_e]
This FE denotes an event that has a facilitating relation to the motion event expressed by the target. This FE is usually expressed by a PP headed by al (by the) followed by an infinitival verb form.

Instrument [Ins]
Semantic Type
An entity saliently involved in the transmission of force from an Agent to a Theme. It may be the Agent's bodypart, or some kind of device.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
The FE Manner is any expression which describes a property of the motion of the Theme which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and other things count as Manner expressions.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
The FE Means indicates the action that is taken that results in the motion of the Theme

Path [Path]
The FE Path is any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor Goal.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
The Place is the general area that provides a setting for a specific motion (with Source, Path, or Goal).

Purpose []
Purpose of the motion event.
       La policía LANZÓ bombas de gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a la multitud.

Result []
A resultant state that the Theme is in at the end of its motion.

Source [Src]
Semantic Type
The FE Source is the starting point of motion.
       El asesino ARRASTRÓ el cadaver desde la habitación hasta el sótano.

Subregion []
Semantic Type
Subregion identifies the part of the Theme that makes contact with the resulting location. When Subregion is expressed, there usually is no Goal expressed.
       The horse PITCHED the rider on his head

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
Time at which the motion of the Theme occurs.

Inherits From: Transitive_action
Is Inherited By: Cause_fluidic_motion, Shoot_projectiles
Subframe of:
Has Subframes: Placing, Removing
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Bringing, Excreting, Gathering_up, Ingestion, Shoot_projectiles
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

acercar.v, arrastrar.v, arrojar.v, empujar.v, empujón.n, impulsar.v, lanzar.v, remolcar.v

Created by rocio on Wed Jul 28 10:04:32 CEST 2004