

A Protagonist changes the overall position and posture of the body.

Max SE AGACHÓ a recoger las monedas



Protagonist [Pro]
Semantic Type
The individual whose posture changes.
       Max SE LEVANTÓ para saludarla.
Containing_event [Con_e]
This FE defines a temporal inclusion relation between the Containing_event (a larger event) and a smaller event.
       En una de las actividades del día, los niños SE TUMBARON en el suelo para dibujar.

Degree [Deg]
Degree to which the change posture event occurs.
       Gulliver se tuvo que AGACHAR muchísimo para ver a los insignificantes pajecillos del rey de Liliput.

Depictive [Dep]
The Protagonist's state throughout the time they are changing posture.
       Max SE LEVANTÓ cansado para abrirle la puerta.

Direction [Dir]
This FE is used for expressions that indicate a line from the deitic center towards a reference point (which may be implicit) that is neither the Goal of the posture change nor a landmark along the way of the moving part of the body. Often Direction is defined with reference to the canonical orientation of the Protagonist, or the orientation imposed by an implicit observer.
       La madre SE INCLINÓ hacia adelante para quitarle los zapatos al niño.

Distance [Dis]
This FE is used for expressions that indicate the extent to which the body (part) moves during the change of posture.
       BEND back as far as you can.

Facilitating_event [Fac]
This FE denotes an event that has a facilitating relation to the motion event expressed by the target. This FE is usually expressed by a PP headed by al (by the) followed by an infinitival verb form.
       Max SE LEVANTÓ súbitamente al oir los disparos de las bandas nacionalistas rivales..

Frequency [Fre]
The FE Frequency indicates how often the change posture event is performed.
       Max SE LEVANTA todos los días a las 6:00 de la mañana.

Goal [Goa]
Semantic Type
This FE is used for any expressions that indicate the endpoint of the posture change. Often this is the place that provides support for the posture.
       Herrod SE AGACHÓ sobre los utensilios abandonados por expediciones anteriores.

Intention [Int]
This FE expresses the intention of the motion event performed by the Protagonist. Intention FEs are prepositional infinitives or sentential complements introduced by the preposition a (to) and are syntactic arguments of the change posture predicate.
       SE AGACHÓ a recoger las monedas.

Iteration [Ite]
This FE identifies the number of times the change posture event is performed.
       SE AGACHÓ varias veces para recoger las monedas.

Location [Loc]
Semantic Type
The place or setting in which the Protagonist's change of posture takes place.
       Los niños SE SENTARON en el césped del jardín.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Any description of the change in posture which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (silenciosamente, a gritos), and general descriptions comparing events (al igual que). In addition, it may indicate salient characteristics of a Protagonist that also affect the action (presuntuosamente, fríamente, deliberadamente, ansiosamente, cuidadosamente).
       Rambo SE LEVANTÓ de la silla con rabia.

Means [Mea]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Means by which the Protagonist changes posture.
       Laura SE LEVANTÓ de la silla con la ayuda de su hermana.

Place [Pla]
The FE Place identifies the general area where the changing posture event (with its Location) takes place.
       María SE ARRODILLÓ ante el apóstol en la catedral de Santiago.

Purpose [Pur]
Semantic Type
The Purpose for which a Protagonist assumes a posture.
       Los niños SE AGACHARON para recoger los caramelos.

Reason [Rea]
Reason why the motion event takes place.
       María SE SENTÓ, porque le dolía la espalda.

Result [Res]
The final state of the Protagonist after the change of posture.
       La niña SE ENCORVÓ hasta tocar el suelo.

Simultaneous_event [Sim_e]
Simultaneous_event is an event that occurs while the motion event takes place.
       El niño SE ACURRUCÓ junto a su madre escuchando una canción de cuna (FE not found).

Source [Sou]
Semantic Type
Source is used for expressions that indicate the starting point of the change of posture.
       El director SE LEVANTÓ de la silla con rabia.

Supporting_body_part [Sup_b_p]
The part of the body that provides support to the Protagonist in holding the posture.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
The Time at which the Protagonist changes posture.
       SE LEVANTÓ al amanecer.

Inherits From: Intentionally_act
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

acurrucarse.v, agacharse.v, arrodillarse.v, desplomarse.v, echarse.v, encorvarse.v, inclinarse.v, incorporarse.v, levantarse_(dejar_la_cama).v, levantarse_(incorporarse).v, saltar.v, sentarse.v, tumbarse.v

Created by subirats on Mon Nov 01 21:19:03 CET 2004