A group of people (the Interlocutors, or Interlocutor_1 and Interlocutor_2 together) have a conversation. No person is construed as only a speaker or only an addressee. Rather, it is understood that both (or all) participants do some speaking and some listening --the process is understood to be symmetrical or reciprocal. In this frame, the purpose of the conversation is generally social, rather than specifically to decide something or exchange information, or to quarrel (see Discussion and Quarrelling). | |
Max y Eva ESTUVIERON CHARLANDO en su casa hasta la madrugada. | |
George ESTUVO BROMEANDO con los alumnos después de la clase. | |
Interlocutor_1 [Int_1] | The individual or individuals that form the more prominent (i.e. agentive) party of a conversation, as compared with Interlocutor_2. That is, Interlocutor_1 is generally encoded as the External Argument of verbs, and peripheral FEs that do not make reference to the event itself generally make reference to Interlocutor_2. Thus a Purpose (or Means, Depictive, or Manner) is construed to be that of Interlocutor_1, not necessarily that of Interlocutor_2 or the group of Interlocutors as a whole: | |
Max ESTUVO BROMEANDO con ella durante toda la tarde. | ||
Interlocutor_2 [Int_2] | This FE denotes the semantically (and grammatically) less prominent group of participants in a conversation. It is generally encoded within a prepositional phrase headed by con (with): | |
Mantuve una CONVERSACIÓN con todos ellos durante la reunión. | ||
Interlocutors [Ints] | The group of individuals involved in chatting. | |
Max y sus amigos ESTUVIERON CHARLANDO toda la tarde. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Content [Con] | This FE identifies the Content of the communication event in a quotation. | |
"El rector me va a regalar un Porsche", BROMEABA un investigador por los pasillos. | ||
Degree [] | Degree to which event occurs. | |
Depictive [Dep] | A description of the state of the Interlocutors (or Interlocutor_1) during the conversation. | |
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The length of time that the chatting goes on: | |
ESTUVIERON CHARLANDO durante toda la noche. | ||
Frequency [] | How often the Event occurs. | |
Group of interlocutors [] | This FE identifies a Group of interlocutors (out of the External) in which occurs the communication action. | |
Iteration [Ite] | This FE identifies the number of times a chatting occurs. | |
Language [Lang] | The language(s) or dialect(s) that a conversation is conducted in: | |
ESTABAN HABLANDO sobre mí en alemán sin darse cuenta de que lo estaba entendiendo todo. | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Any description of the conversation which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (silenciosamente [quietly], en voz alta [loudly]), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). It may also indicate salient characteristics of the Interlocutors (or Interlocutor_1) that also affect the action (presuntuosamente [presumptuously], fríamente [coldly], deliberadamente [deliberately], con entusiasmo [eagerly], con cuidado [carefully]). | |
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The way that the Interlocutors succeed in having a conversation. | |
Though some of the fellas couldn't hear anymore, we CHATTED with them by sharing a typewriter. | ||
Means_of_communication [MOC] | The device used by the Interlocutors to communicate: | |
Después de esta breve CHARLA telefónica con tu ex, seguro que te dejará ver a tu hija. | ||
Medium [Med] | The Medium FE denotes the physical entity or channel used to transmit the message. The Medium is frequently expressed as a PP Complement headed by por (on). | |
El presidente BROMEÓ por teléfono con los astronautas de la nave espacial. | ||
Place [Place] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The location where a chat takes place: | |
ESTUVIMOS CHARLANDO en un bar hasta la madrugada. | ||
Purpose [Purp] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | What the Interlocutors (or Interlocutor_1) hope to accomplish by chatting: | |
ESTUVE CHARLANDO con ella para que mi novia se pusiese celosa. | ||
Time [Tim] Semantic Type Time | The Time at which a chat takes place: | |
ESTUVIERON COTILLEANDO toda la tarde. | ||
Topic [Top] | The general subject that the statements of the Interlocutors in the conversation pertain to. | |
ESTUVIMOS CHARLANDO durante horas sobre temas relacionados con nuestra empresa. | ||
Inherits From: Reciprocality
Is Inherited By: Discussion
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Statement
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
bromear.v, charlar.v, conversar.v, departir.v
Created by subirats on Wed Dec 31 18:24:34 CET 2003