

A concept, Concept_1, is related causally or collocationally to another concept, Concept_2, by means of some Evidence. They may be related only under certain Conditions or from a certain Point_of_view. The two concepts may be expressed collectively as associated Concepts. Any cognizer is deprofiled.

El desarrollo de algunas alergias infantiles SE RELACIONA con la presencia de animales peludos.

El sexo está RELACIONADO con el pecado y la culpa en el imaginario represivo de nuestra religión.



Concept_1 [Con1]
The concept which is linked to Concept_2. It is generally expressed as the external argument.
       El tamaño del cerebro no está RELACIONADO con la capacidad intelectual.

Concept_2 [Con2]
The concept which is tied to Concept_1. It is generally expressed as a PP complement.
       El coeficiente intelectual parece estar RELACIONADO con la dinámica de la maduración de la corteza cerebral.

Concepts [Cs]
The two concepts expressed jointly.
       En su planteamiento, estos dos aspectos no SE RELACIONAN de forma clara.
Collective_marker [Col]
The FE Collective_marker is a marker of a multiplex and distributed interpretation of the external argument.
       Estos dos conceptos no tienen ninguna RELACIÓN entre sí.

Conditions [Cnd]
The conditions under which the connection exists.
       In the lab, a person's weight and life expectancy are strongly CONNECTED.

Degree [Deg]
Semantic Type
The Degree of connection between the Concepts.
       These two incidents are closely LINKED.

Evidence [evi]
The phenomenon that points to or proves the connection between Concept_1 and Concept_2.
       Eating long life noodles is CONNECTED to a long, healty life by lab experiments conducted in Vietnam.

Point_of_view [POV]
The point of view from which the connection exists.
       Smoking is LINKED to cancer in his mind.

Specification [Spec]
A further specification on the linkage.
       These two concepts are innately CONNECTED.
       Smoking and lung cancer are LINKED in some unknown way.

Time [Tim]

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Relating_concepts, Relating_concepts
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Make_cognitive_connection
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

relacionado.a, relacionarse.v, relación.n, vincular.v

Created by rleegold on Tue Jul 01 16:11:43 CEST 2003