A Theme which is an entity collapses and falls by gravity or other natural, physical forces to a Goal. The source of the motion event is deprofiled in this frame. | |
El techo del teatro SE DESPLOMÓ sobre el patio de butacas. | |
Theme [The] | The Theme is the entity that collapses and falls by gravity or other natural physical forces. | |
La fachada del edificio SE DERRUMBÓ tras la explosión. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Cause [Cau] | The FE Cause is applied to constituents expressing a causing event or enabling state that causes the inchoative motion event denoted by the target to occur. | |
El puente SE DESPLOMÓ debido al enorme incremento del caudal del río provocado por la tormenta. | ||
Degree [Deg] | This FE denotes de Degree to which the motion event takes place. | |
La industria automovilística ha registrado un DESPLOME en sus ventas de casi un 30%. | ||
Domain [Dom] | When the target is used metaforiacally, this FE indicates the target domain of the metaphor. | |
El DESPLOME económico de la bolsa sorprendió a todos los inversores. | ||
Duration [Dur] | The FE Duration denotes the length of time from the beginning of an ongoing collapsing event to its end. Typical forms of this FE are PPs headed by en (in), a lo largo de (through out), durante (during), etc., enumerated pre-nominal calendric units, or adjectives describing length. | |
La estructura SE DERRUMBÓ en pocos segundos. | ||
Goal [Goa] | The Goal is the location the Theme ends up in. | |
El techo SE DESPLOMÓ sobre el patio de butacas. | ||
Manner [Man] | Manner of performing the motion event. | |
El helicóptero SE DESPLOMÓ súbitamente sobre la ciudad. | ||
Place [Pla] | This FE identifies the Place where the collapsing event occurs. | |
Un puente en construcción SE DERRUMBÓ en el sur de China. | ||
Result [Res] | This FE identifies the Result of the motion event. | |
Las torres SE DESPLOMARON provocando daños materiales incalculables en la zona. | ||
Time [Tim] | This FE identifies the Time when the motion occurs. | |
El camión SE DESPEÑÓ durante la noche del viernes. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
derrumbarse.v, desplomarse.v, desplome.n
Created by cristina on Mon Apr 18 13:20:41 CEST 2005