

A Theme which is an entity collapses and falls by gravity or other natural, physical forces to a Goal. The source of the motion event is deprofiled in this frame.

El techo del teatro SE DESPLOMÓ sobre el patio de butacas.



Theme [The]
The Theme is the entity that collapses and falls by gravity or other natural physical forces.
       La fachada del edificio SE DERRUMBÓ tras la explosión.
Cause [Cau]
The FE Cause is applied to constituents expressing a causing event or enabling state that causes the inchoative motion event denoted by the target to occur.
       El puente SE DESPLOMÓ debido al enorme incremento del caudal del río provocado por la tormenta.

Degree [Deg]
This FE denotes de Degree to which the motion event takes place.
       La industria automovilística ha registrado un DESPLOME en sus ventas de casi un 30%.

Domain [Dom]
When the target is used metaforiacally, this FE indicates the target domain of the metaphor.
       El DESPLOME económico de la bolsa sorprendió a todos los inversores.

Duration [Dur]
The FE Duration denotes the length of time from the beginning of an ongoing collapsing event to its end. Typical forms of this FE are PPs headed by en (in), a lo largo de (through out), durante (during), etc., enumerated pre-nominal calendric units, or adjectives describing length.
       La estructura SE DERRUMBÓ en pocos segundos.

Goal [Goa]
The Goal is the location the Theme ends up in.
       El techo SE DESPLOMÓ sobre el patio de butacas.

Manner [Man]
Manner of performing the motion event.
       El helicóptero SE DESPLOMÓ súbitamente sobre la ciudad.

Place [Pla]
This FE identifies the Place where the collapsing event occurs.
       Un puente en construcción SE DERRUMBÓ en el sur de China.

Result [Res]
This FE identifies the Result of the motion event.
       Las torres SE DESPLOMARON provocando daños materiales incalculables en la zona.

Time [Tim]
This FE identifies the Time when the motion occurs.
       El camión SE DESPEÑÓ durante la noche del viernes.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

derrumbarse.v, desplomarse.v, desplome.n

Created by cristina on Mon Apr 18 13:20:41 CEST 2005