An Entity comes into existence at a particular Place and Time which may take a certain Duration_of_endstate, have a Cause, or be formed from Components. | |
Problems may ARISE whenever an S1 sophont enters the game. | |
Mountains sometimes FORM in as little as a million years. | |
A new paradigm EMERGED from the discussion of nuclear weapons. | |
New Plants FORM from the cut veins in two weeks. | |
Entity [Ent] | Concrete or abstract entity that did not exist before the Time of the event. | |
Non-Core: | ||
Cause [Cause] | This FE labels the Cause of the formation of the Entity. | |
New clarity COALESCED out of the hours spent simulating the climate. | ||
Components [Cmpnt] | This FE identifies the components out of which the Entity forms. | |
New plants FORM from cut veins in two weeks. | ||
Duration_of_endstate [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | This FE identifies the length of time that the Entity exists after coming to be. | |
Manner [] | The way in which the Entity comes to be. | |
Period_of_Iterations [P_it] | This FE identifies the Period_of_Iterations during which habitual or iterative actions are performed. | |
Place [Place] Semantic Type Locative_relation | This is the Place where the new Entity comes into being. | |
Role [Role] | The form in which the Entity comes to be. | |
Vishnu MATERIALIZED in the form of a half man, half beast. | ||
The megacorps stranglehold on property EMERGED as a problem. | ||
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | This FE identifes the Time when a new Entity comes into existence. |
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of: Cycle_of_existence_scenario
Has Subframes:
Precedes: Existence
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
Created by infinity on Wed May 08 17:03:19 CEST 2002