A Cognizer, usually a person, comes to believe something (the Content) after a process of reasoning. This change in belief is usually initiated by the Cognizer on a piece of Evidence. Occasionally words in this domain are accompanied by phrases expressing Topic, i.e. that which the mental Content is about. | |
De todo ello, DEDUJE que había sido vilmente engañado. ECNI | |
Cognizer [Cog] Semantic Type Sentient | Cognizer is the person who comes to believe something after a process of reasoning. | |
Los investigadores LLEGARON A LA CONCLUSIÓN de que era necesario repetir el experimento. | ||
Content [Con] Semantic Type Content | The Content is usually expressed as a finite clausal complement. | |
Finalmlente, se DESCUBRIÓ que los directivos de la empresa habían participado en una estafa multimillonaria. | ||
Evidence [Evi] | Words in this frame may occur with a PP headed by de (from) and other prepositions which express the Evidence on which knowledge or belief is based. The Evidence FE is usually a prepositional phrase headed by de (of), a partir de (from), a raíz de (as a result of), etc. | |
De todo ello, DEDUJE que había sido vilmente engañado. | ||
Los científicos DEDUJERON a partir de las mediciones posteriores que su hipótesis incial era falsa. | ||
Medium [Med] | Medium is the text created by the Cognizer to communicate that they came to believe a specified Content. | |
El informe CONCLUYE que la víctima murió por causas naturales. | ||
Topic [Top] | Some verbs in this frame may occur with postverbal Topic expressions: | |
Todavía no HEMOS LLEGADO A UNA CONCLUSIÓN sobre este tema. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Circumstances [Cir] | This FE marks the set of conditions under which the cognition occurs. | |
Sin que sea necesario ningún razonamiento ulterior, de los hechos probados pueden INFERIRse los datos suficientes para la investigación. | ||
Co_participant [Co_p] | The Co_participant FE referes to an entity that participates in a coordinated way in the same event as the primary protagonist, regardless of whether the protagonist, and hence the Co_participant, is more agent- or more undergoer-like. | |
DESCUBRÍ con su ayuda que todos estos años había estado trabajando en temas carentes de interés desde el punto de vista cognitivo. | ||
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | Degree to which event occurs. | |
Depictive [Dep] | Depictive phrase describing the Cognizer. | |
Frequency [Fre] | This FE is defined as the number of times an event occurs per some unit of time. | |
Cada día, la gente DESCUBRE más cosas sobre todo lo que puede suceder en esta vida. | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Manner of performing an action. | |
De las investigaciones, puede DEDUCIRse con claridad que la hipótesis sobre el caso no era errónea. | ||
Means [Mea] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | An act performed by the Cognizer which enables them to figure something out. | |
Place [Pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | Where the event takes place. | |
Purpose [Pur] | This FE identifies the Purpose for which the Cognizer comes to believe something (the Content) after a process of reasoning. | |
Se hizo una INFERENCIA ecológica a partir de las colonias de residencia para clasificarlas según el nivel socioeconómico. | ||
Reason [] | This FE identifies why the cognition event takes places. | |
Time [] Semantic Type Time | The Time at which the Cognizer discovers the Content. | |
Los diputados del congreso LLEGARON ayer A LA CONCLUSIÓN de que el presidente de la sala estaba nervioso. | ||
Inherits From: Event
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Mental_activity
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
aprender.v, concluir.v, conclusión.n, deducción.n, deducir.v, descubrir.v, inferencia.n, inferir.v, llegar_a_una_conclusión.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:54 CET 2001