

Words in this frame have to do with a Cognizer creating a new intellectual entity, the Idea.

Los niños SE INVENTATON esta historia para no ir al colegio.

Toda esta operación HA SIDO CONCEBIDA por un gran equipo de especialistas..
These words are similar to words of physical creation such as construir 'build' and hacer 'make', and in some cases may be understood as metaphorically based on such words. However, the Ideas in this frame are predominantly conceptual in nature. Compare this frame with Achieving_first. In that frame, the fact that the idea is new to society is emphasized, whereas Coming_up_with refers to an agentive Cognizer using mental effort to figure something out, without any implication of the impact of the Idea.



Cognizer [Cog]
Semantic Type
The FE Cognizer denotes the person who comes up with or conceptualizes the Invention (FE not found). It is normally expressed as an External Argument.
       La cúpula comunista IDEÓ esta campaña propagandística para engañar al proletariado.

Idea [Ide]
Idea is the intellectual creation of the Cognizer. It is normally expressed as an NP Object, but sometimes as a PP Complement.
       Los ingenieros IDEARON un nuevo sistema de comunicación mediante ordenador.
       Los micronacionalismos europeos SE HAN INVENTADO sus propios enemigos.
Category [Cat]
The FE Category expresses a general type or class of which the Invention (FE not found) is considered an instance by the Cognizer, allowing her to make predictions about the qualities, occurrence, or behavior of the Invention (FE not found).
       El proyecto FUE CONCEBIDO como un primer paso en la construcción de una red de alcance global.

Circumstances [Cir]
The FE Circumstances describes the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the cognitive event itself and any of its participants.
       Esta operación ha sido CONCEBIDA sin considerar las dificultades con las que se tienen que enfrentar a diario las ciudadanas.

Co_participant [Co_]
The Co_participant FE denotes a sentient being that participates in a coordinated way in the same cognitive event as the Cognizer.
       CONCIBIÓ este maquiavélico plan junto con sus compinches.

Degree [Degr]
Degree to which the cognitive event occurs.

Depictive [Dep]
The state of a focal participant during the time the invention takes place.
       Drácula CONCIBIÓ un plan aparentemente maquiavélico, sin darse cuenta de que iba a caer en su propia trampa.

Facilitating_event [Fac]
This FE denotes an event that has a facilitating relation to the event expressed by the target. This FE is usually expressed by a PP headed by gerundive phrase, or by al 'by' followed by an infinitival verb form.
       Aprovechando el « boom » bursátil, se IDEARON una serie de operaciones financieras destinadas a recabar fondos del mercado para saldar la deuda con el Banco Central.

Instrument [Ins]
The FE Instrument denotes an entity which is used by a Cognizer to create a new intellectual entity.
       Manolo Sanlúcar IDEÓ con su guitarra la música que debía acompañar este nuevo proyecto teatral, que se adentra en las raíces de la identidad cultural mediterránea.

Intended_purpose [Int]
This FE identifies the intended purpose for which the Invention (FE not found) has been created.
       Esta red está CONCEBIDA para dar un servicio permanente y gratuito a todos los usuarios.
       El diseñador francés Olivier Lapidus IDEÓ diseños de gran fantasía para la colección de alta costura que presentará en París.

Location_of_appearance [Loc]
The Location_of_appearance is where the Invention is first discovered by others.
       El novelista SE INVENTA así un nuevo personaje en la parte final de su novela.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action.
       El gobierno MAQUINÓ rápidamente un golpe en el partido de megawati.

Material [Mat]
Words in this frame sometimes occur with a constituent that expresses the intellectual material from which the Invention is created. This frame element is characteristic of physical creation verbs like make; its presence gives sentences in this frame an especially strong metaphorical quality. The Material FE is normally expressed by a PP Complement headed by from or out of.
       The composer CREATED the symphony out of snippets of popular melodies.

Means [Mea]
Semantic Type
An act performed by the Cognizer that contributes to the creation of the Invention.
       Aprovechando el « boom » bursátil , Santos IDEÓ una serie de operaciones financieras.

Place [Pla]
Semantic Type
The location in which the Cognizer creates the new entity, the Invention (FE not found).
       ¿Todo eso SE te OCURRIÓ en tu casa?

Purpose [Pur]
Semantic Type
Some of the words in this frame frequently occur with a constituent expressing the Purpose for which the Invention is intended. Normally this constituent is a PP Complement headed by for or a to-marked VP Complement.
       El gobierno IDEÓ este sistema para protegerse contra invasiones extraterrestres.

Reason [Rea]
A state of affairs the Agent is responding to in performing the action indicated by the target.
       Idearon este sistema de detección de intrusos, porque necesitaban protegerse contra los zombis.

Result [Res]
This FE refers to the Result of the cognitive event denoted by the target.
       El gerente y su equipo SE INVENTARON las cifras de ventas, dañando gravemente la credibilidad de la empresa ante sus accionistas.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
The Time when the Cognizer creates the Invention (FE not found).
       SE INVENTARON esta sarta de patrañas aquella misma noche.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Eventive_affecting
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

concebido.a, concebir.v, ideado.a, idear.v, ingeniar.v, inventar.v, inventarse.v, maquinar.v, ocurrirse.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:56 CET 2001