

These are words describing a basic commercial transaction involving a Buyer and a Seller exchanging Money and Goods, taking the perspecitive of the Buyer. The words vary individually in the patterns of frame element realization they allow.

Max le COMPRÓ un coche a Eva por 500 dólares.

La COMRA de esta empresa por parte de una multinacional europea fue muy comentada en los círculos financieros.


Buyer [Buy]
The Buyer wants the Goods and offers Money to a Seller in exchange for them.
       Jess BOUGHT a coat.
       Lee BOUGHT a textbook from Abby.

Goods [Goo]
The FE Goods is anything (including labor or time, for example) which is exchanged for Money in a transaction.
        Only one winner PURCHASED the paintings (FE not found)

Duration [Dur]
Semantic Type
The length of time that the Goods are (or have been) in the Buyer's possession. (This FE is generally only relevant for the LU's rent.v and lease.v which imply a temporary change of possession.)
       Our neighbors have been RENTING their house for the last ten years.

Manner []
Semantic Type
Any description of the purchasing event which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (quietly, loudly), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). It may also indicate salient characteristics of the Buyerthat affect the action (presumptuously, coldly, deliberately, eagerly, carefully).
       She gleefully BOUGHT the rock.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
The means by which a commercial transaction occurs.
        Will they allow you to PURCHASE by check?

Money [Mon]
Money is the thing given in exchange for Goods in a transaction.
       Sam BOUGHT the car for $12,000.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
Where the event takes place.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
The purpose for which an intentional act is performed.

Purpose_of_goods [POG]
The Buyer's intended purpose for the Goods.
       I PURCHASED the calculatorfor easier calculation of my debts.

Rate [Rate]
In isome cases, price or payment is described per unit of Goods.
        Jon RENTED a car for twenty dollars a day Rate.

Reason [Reas]
Semantic Type
The Reason for which an event occurs.

Recipient []
The individual intended by the Buyer to receive the Goods.
       You BOUGHT me three pairs already!

Seller [Sel]
Semantic Type
The Seller has possession of the Goods and exchanges them for Money from a Buyer.
       Most of my audio equipment, I PURCHASED from a department store near my apartment.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
When the event occurs.

Unit [Unit]
This FE is any unit in which goods or services can be measured. Generally, it occurs in a by-PP.
       Lee BUYS potatoes by the pound.

Inherits From: Getting
Is Inherited By: Renting
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Importing
Perspective on: Commerce_goods-transfer
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

adquisición.n, compra.n, comprador.n, comprar.v

Created by miriamp on Thu Jul 12 12:38:02 CEST 2001