

These are words that describe basic commercial transactions involving a Buyer and a Seller who exchange Money and Goods. The individual words vary in the frame element realization patterns. For example, the typical patterns for the verbs buy and sell are: BUYER buys GOODS from the SELLER for MONEY. SELLER sells GOODS to the BUYER for MONEY.


Buyer [Byr]
The Buyer wants the Goods and offers Money to a Seller in exchange for them.

Goods [Gds]
The FE Goods is anything (including labor or time, for example) which is exchanged for Money in a transaction.
       Kim BOUGHT the sweater.
       Kim SOLD the sweater.

Money [Mny]
Money is the thing given in exchange for Goods in a transaction.

Seller [Slr]
The Seller has possession of the Goods and exchanges them for Money from a Buyer.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
The means by which a commercial transaction occurs.
       Abby BOUGHT the car with cash.
       Robin PAID for the car by check.

Rate [Rate]
Price or payment per unit of Goods.
       The manager PAYS the paper boys five dollars an hour Rate.

Unit [Unit]
The Unit of measure of the Goods according to which the exchange value of the Goods (or services) is set. Generally, it occurs in a by-PP.
       Bob SELLS peppers by weight.
       Lee BUYS potatoes by the pound.
       She is PAID by the hour.

Inherits From: Reciprocality
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of: Commerce_scenario
Has Subframes: Commerce_goods-transfer, Commerce_money-transfer
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by acwright on Mon Jul 16 13:29:36 CEST 2001