A Communicator conveys a Message to an Addressee; the Topic and Medium of the communication also may be expressed. This frame includes no specification of the method of communication (speech, writing, gesture, etc.). The frames that inherit the general Communication frame can add elaboration to the Medium in a variety of ways (escribir 'write', llamar por teléfono 'phone', telegrafiar 'telegraph' ) or to the Manner of communication (balbucear 'babble', gritar 'shout', susurrar 'whisper'). There are also frames that either do not inherit all of the FEs of this frame or do not inherit them in a straightforward manner (such as Chatting, in which Communicator and Addressee alternate roles, and are often expressed by a single, plural NP). | |
El arzobispo COMUNICÓ a los nuevos esposos que habían recibido del Papa Juan Pablo II una especial bendición apostólica. | |
Addressee [Add] Semantic Type Sentient | The Addressee receives a Message from the Communicator: | |
La Agencia Tributaria le COMUNICÓ que tenía que volver a presentar otro expediente. | ||
Communicator [Com] Semantic Type Sentient | The person who uses language in the written or spoken modality to convey a Message to the Addressee: | |
El juez le COMUNICÓ que quedaba en libertad provisional. | ||
Message [Mes] Semantic Type Message | A proposition or set of propositions that the Communicator wants the Addressee to believe or take for granted: | |
Me COMUNICARON oficialmente que me habían otorgado el premio. | ||
Topic [Top] | Topic is the entity that the proposition or propositions conveyed relate to, that they are about. | |
Los jueces no suelen HABLAR sobre estos temas en público. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Degree [Deg] | Degree to which event occurs. | |
Se HA HABLADO mucho de que es uno de los mejores arqueros del fútbol mexicano. | ||
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The Duration of the communication event. | |
Los urbanistas HABLARON durante la sesión sobre la expansión palestina. | ||
Manner [] Semantic Type Manner | The FE Manner denotes the manner in which the Communicator communicates. | |
El médico le COMUNICÓ sin rodeos que tenía que ser operado de forma inmediata. | ||
Means [Mea] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The FE Means deontes an intentional action performed by the Communicator that accomplishes the action indicated by the target. | |
Medium [Medium] | The physical or abstract setting in which the Message is conveyed. | |
La información se COMUNICA a la redacción por correo electrónico y llega a las pantallas de televisión en un plazo máximo de 15 minutos. | ||
Place [Pla] | The location in which the communication event takes place. | |
Los euroburócratas evitaron HABLAR del veto a la entrada de Rumanía y Eslovenia en los pasillos del Parlamento. | ||
Purpose [Pur] | The Purpose of the event. | |
La flota COMUNICÓ las nuevas infracciones para que las autoridades francesas lo supieran. | ||
Time [Tim] Semantic Type Time | This FE identifies the Time when adorning occurs. | |
Por la noche HABLAMOS de nuevo ampliamente sobre este tema. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Communication_manner, Communication_response, Gesture, Statement
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Information, Topic
Is Used By: Attempt_suasion, Commitment, Contacting, Convey_importance, Discussion, Hear, Questioning, Request, Suasion
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
comunicar.v, hablar.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:11:41 CET 2001