The words in this frame describe Manners of verbal communication. All of them can occur with quoted expressions. | |
Me SUSURRÓ al oído una confusa disculpa. | |
Addressee [Add] Semantic Type Sentient | Addressee is the person to whom the Speaker is communicating. When expressed, the Addressee occurs as an object. | |
Nos GRITÓ a todos que nos alejáramos de allí. | ||
Message [Msg] Semantic Type Message | Message is the content which is communicated by the Speaker. The Message may be a direct quote or a finite complement clause: | |
"Esto ya pasa de castaño oscuro", VOCIFERÓ Eva con gesto airado. | ||
Nos GRITÓ a todos que nos alejáramos de allí. | ||
Speaker [Spkr] Semantic Type Sentient | Speaker is the person who produces a Message or communicates about a Topic. It is expressed as the External Argument of the target. | |
"Esto ya pasa de castaño oscuro", VOCIFERÓ Eva con gesto airado. | ||
Topic [Top] | Topic is the subject matter of the communicated Message. It is normally expressed as a PP Complement headed by various prepositions like sobre (about), contra (against), etc. In this frame, Topic is frequently preceded by a quantificational noun which is treated as referring to the Message. | |
Estuvo DESVARIANDO sobre varios temas durante toda la tarde. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Apparent_conclusion [Ap_c] | This FE describes an addition to the main-clause that would seem to hold given the rest of the main clause. | |
Como si hubiera descubierto súbitamentede que su novia existía, aquel gañán le FARFULLÓ algunas palabras al oído. | ||
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | This FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs. | |
Depictive [Depict] | Depictive is used for any phrase describing a participant in an action. | |
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The Duration of the communication event: | |
El acusado MURMURABA durante la sesión del juicio de hoy que era inocente. | ||
Language [] | This FE identifies the Language in which the communication event occurs. | |
El músico brasileño BALBUCEÓ a la prensa algunas palabras en portuñol ( mezcla de portugués y español). | ||
Locus [Loc] | The Locus identifies the part of the Addressee's body, typically, ears, face, etc., at which the Speaker directs the Message. The Locus FE is usually expressed as a PP Complement. | |
Le SUSURRÓ al oído unas palabras incomprensibles. | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Manner of performing an action: | |
Me SUSURRÓ unas palabras al oído. | ||
El hombre MURMURABA para sí mismo como un demente. | ||
Means [Mns] Semantic Type Human_act | This FE identifies the Means by which a communication occurs. | |
Los familiares de los condenados VOCIFERARON alentando la persecución por motivos religiosos y raciales. | ||
Medium [Medium] | This frame element expresses the Medium of communication, such as the specific type of text in which the Message occurs. It is normally expressed as a PP-complement. | |
El ministro VOCIFERÓ a los presentes durante la sesión del Congreso. | ||
Particular_iteration [Par] | Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states. | |
VOCIFERÓ de nuevo a todos sus estudiantes. | ||
Passive_interlocutor [] | This FE identifies an interlocutor who doesn't participate in the communication event. | |
El candidato a la presidencia BRAMÓ ante los principales responsables de la campaña electoral al ver que bajaba su popularidad entre los electores. | ||
Place [] Semantic Type Locative_relation | Where the communication event takes place. | |
Se MURMURA en la ciudad que el dictador ha muerto. | ||
Purpose [Purp] | This FE identifies the Purpose of the communication event. | |
MURMURABA siempre por la comisura de los labios para que su jefe no se diera cuenta. | ||
Reason [Reas] | Typically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Speaker. | |
El rey VOCIFERÓ a todos sus súbditos por no haber obedecido sus órdenes. | ||
Reciprocality_focus [Rec] | The Reciprocality_focus FE emphasizes the simmetrical interaction between the Speaker and the Addressee. Reciprocality_focus is uauslly expressed as a PP Complement heade by entre (between). | |
Al salir del bar, empezaron a CUCHICHEAR entre ellas y, al pasar delante de nosotros, se echaron a reír a carcajadas. | ||
Simultaneous_event [Si_e] | The Simultaneous_event FE refers to an event that takes place simultaneously with the communication event. The Simultaneous_event is conceived of as independent: it would occur regardless of the event expressed by the target, which is not even an incidental or optional sub-part of the Simultaneous_event. | |
"Quita eso Cándido , por favor", BRAMÓ de pronto tía Cleta , colocando la pierna de cordero asesinado sobre la mesa. | ||
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | This FE identifies the Time when communication event takes place. |
Inherits From: Communication
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
balbucear.v, bramar.v, chillar.v, cuchichear.v, farfullar.v, gritar.v, gruñir.v, mascullar.v, murmurar.v, musitar.v, refunfuñar.v, susurrar.v, tartamudear.v, vocear.v, vociferar.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:02 CET 2001