

The words in this frame describe Manners of verbal communication. All of them can occur with quoted expressions.

Me SUSURRÓ al oído una confusa disculpa.


Addressee [Add]
Semantic Type
Addressee is the person to whom the Speaker is communicating. When expressed, the Addressee occurs as an object.
       Nos GRITÓ a todos que nos alejáramos de allí.

Message [Msg]
Semantic Type
Message is the content which is communicated by the Speaker. The Message may be a direct quote or a finite complement clause:
       "Esto ya pasa de castaño oscuro", VOCIFERÓ Eva con gesto airado.
       Nos GRITÓ a todos que nos alejáramos de allí.

Speaker [Spkr]
Semantic Type
Speaker is the person who produces a Message or communicates about a Topic. It is expressed as the External Argument of the target.
       "Esto ya pasa de castaño oscuro", VOCIFERÓ Eva con gesto airado.

Topic [Top]
Topic is the subject matter of the communicated Message. It is normally expressed as a PP Complement headed by various prepositions like sobre (about), contra (against), etc. In this frame, Topic is frequently preceded by a quantificational noun which is treated as referring to the Message.
       Estuvo DESVARIANDO sobre varios temas durante toda la tarde.

Apparent_conclusion [Ap_c]
This FE describes an addition to the main-clause that would seem to hold given the rest of the main clause.
       Como si hubiera descubierto súbitamentede que su novia existía, aquel gañán le FARFULLÓ algunas palabras al oído.

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.

Depictive [Depict]
Depictive is used for any phrase describing a participant in an action.

Duration [Dur]
Semantic Type
The Duration of the communication event:
       El acusado MURMURABA durante la sesión del juicio de hoy que era inocente.

Language []
This FE identifies the Language in which the communication event occurs.
       El músico brasileño BALBUCEÓ a la prensa algunas palabras en portuñol ( mezcla de portugués y español).

Locus [Loc]
The Locus identifies the part of the Addressee's body, typically, ears, face, etc., at which the Speaker directs the Message. The Locus FE is usually expressed as a PP Complement.
       Le SUSURRÓ al oído unas palabras incomprensibles.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action:
       Me SUSURRÓ unas palabras al oído.
       El hombre MURMURABA para sí mismo como un demente.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Means by which a communication occurs.
       Los familiares de los condenados VOCIFERARON alentando la persecución por motivos religiosos y raciales.

Medium [Medium]
This frame element expresses the Medium of communication, such as the specific type of text in which the Message occurs. It is normally expressed as a PP-complement.
       El ministro VOCIFERÓ a los presentes durante la sesión del Congreso.

Particular_iteration [Par]
Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states.
       VOCIFERÓ de nuevo a todos sus estudiantes.

Passive_interlocutor []
This FE identifies an interlocutor who doesn't participate in the communication event.
       El candidato a la presidencia BRAMÓ ante los principales responsables de la campaña electoral al ver que bajaba su popularidad entre los electores.

Place []
Semantic Type
Where the communication event takes place.
       Se MURMURA en la ciudad que el dictador ha muerto.

Purpose [Purp]
This FE identifies the Purpose of the communication event.
       MURMURABA siempre por la comisura de los labios para que su jefe no se diera cuenta.

Reason [Reas]
Typically, there is a constituent expressing the Reason for the Speaker.
       El rey VOCIFERÓ a todos sus súbditos por no haber obedecido sus órdenes.

Reciprocality_focus [Rec]
The Reciprocality_focus FE emphasizes the simmetrical interaction between the Speaker and the Addressee. Reciprocality_focus is uauslly expressed as a PP Complement heade by entre (between).
       Al salir del bar, empezaron a CUCHICHEAR entre ellas y, al pasar delante de nosotros, se echaron a reír a carcajadas.

Simultaneous_event [Si_e]
The Simultaneous_event FE refers to an event that takes place simultaneously with the communication event. The Simultaneous_event is conceived of as independent: it would occur regardless of the event expressed by the target, which is not even an incidental or optional sub-part of the Simultaneous_event.
       "Quita eso Cándido , por favor", BRAMÓ de pronto tía Cleta , colocando la pierna de cordero asesinado sobre la mesa.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Time when communication event takes place.

Inherits From: Communication
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

balbucear.v, bramar.v, chillar.v, cuchichear.v, farfullar.v, gritar.v, gruñir.v, mascullar.v, murmurar.v, musitar.v, refunfuñar.v, susurrar.v, tartamudear.v, vocear.v, vociferar.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:02 CET 2001