

The answer to one open question, the Outcome, is dictated (partially or completely) by the answer to another open question, the Determinant, i.e. if the answer to the Determinant is known, the answer to the Outcome can be predicted. The Degree of predictive power and the Circumstances under which the dependency holds can also be expressed.

Economic policy is partially a FUNCTION of cultural values.


In Mediaeval times, status was DEPENDENT on birth.



Determinant []
An open question that determines the Outcome.
       Price, in such a case, DEPENDS only on the whim of the supplier.

Outcome []
An open question that is (to some degree) predictable from the Determinant.
Circumstances [cir]
The conditions under which the Determinant dictates the Outcome. Oftentimes it is expressed in a fashion similar to Time and Place in other frames, but such cases are actually metonymic for the prevailing conditions of the Time and/or Place.
       In London, how long it took to cross the city depended on how many state dinners were being served that night.

Degree []
Semantic Type
The amount of predictive power supplied by the Determinant with respect to the Outcome.
       His decision was somewhat DEPENDENT on who won the game

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Have_as_requirement
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by infinity on Mon Nov 24 18:59:10 CET 2003