This frame contains predicates that necessarily indicate the motion of two distinct objects. The Theme is typically animate and is expressed as the subject of a target predicate. The Cotheme may or may not be animate and is typically expressed as a direct object or an oblique. Source, Path, Goal, and the other frame elements common to motion predicates also regularly occur with the words in this frame. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ a los delincuentes hasta la frontera con México. | |
La policía CONDUJO a los detenidos a los calabozos. | |
ACOMPAÑARON a la viuda al lugar del accidente. ECNI | |
Cotheme [Cot] Semantic Type Physical_object | The Cotheme is the second moving object, expressed as a direct object or an oblique: | |
María me ACOMPAÑÓ durante mi estancia en Alemania. | ||
La policía ESTUVO PERSIGUIENDO a este conocido delincuente durante varias semanas. | ||
. | ||
Goal [Goa] Semantic Type Goal | Any expression which tells where the Cotheme ends up as a result of the motion expresses the frame element Goal. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ a estos peligrosos delincuentes hasta México. | ||
Note that even if the Cotheme is animate, both the Theme and the Cotheme end up in the same place. Thus in Spanish there are no cases like: | ||
The children CHASED the dog into the park. | ||
where the dog ends up in the park, but the children may not have entered the park. | ||
Theme [The] Semantic Type Physical_object | The Theme is the entity, frequently a living being, which moves in relation to the Cotheme. Normally the Theme frame element is expressed as an external argument. | |
Max ACOMPAÑÓ a Eva al médico. | ||
Los guardaespaldas ESCOLTARON al presidente en su visita a Burundi. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Area [Area] Semantic Type Location | Area marks expressions which describe a general area in which the motion of Theme and Cotheme takes place when the motion is understood to be irregular and not to consist of a single linear path. Locative setting adjuncts of motion expressions may also be assigned this frame element. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ a este peligroso delincuente por todo el país. | ||
Coevent [Coevnt] | A Coevent in which the Cotheme is involved. Usually this is some kind of travel. | |
El ministro de economía ACOMPAÑÓ al presidente en su visita a China. | ||
Degree [] | ||
Depictive [Dep] Semantic Type State | This frame element marks a depictive phrase describing the Theme. | |
John ESCORTED his mother around naked. | ||
Distance [Dist] Semantic Type Quantity | Any expression which characterizes the extent of the motion of the Theme and Cotheme expresses the frame element Distance. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ el coche de los delincuentes durante varios kilómetros. | ||
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The amount of time for which motion occurs. | |
Following_distance [F_d] | The Following_distance is the distance between the Theme and Cotheme. | |
I FOLLOWED him at a distance of 30 yards. | ||
Intention [] | The intention of the motion event. | |
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Phrases marked with this frame element describe a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of the Theme's motion. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and other things count as Manner expressions. | |
Equipos especiales la ESTUVIERON PERSIGUIENDO clandestinamente durante varios días. | ||
Means [Mns] Semantic Type Human_act | This frame element expresses the Means by which a (volitional) Theme moves in relation to the Cotheme. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ a este peligroso delincuente, que estaba herido, siguiendo el rastro de sangre que iba dejando a su paso. | ||
Mode_of_Transportation [MoT] | This FE denotes the means of conveyance on which the Theme is traveling. The Mode_of_transportation can be the Theme's own body or a vehicle. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium. | |
Lilí me ACOMPAÑÓ en su coche al hospital. | ||
Lidia me ACOMPAÑÓ a pie hasta el hotel. | ||
Path [Path] Semantic Type Path | Path marks phrases that describe the Theme and Cotheme's trajectory of motion and which are neither expressions of the Source nor the Goal of motion. The notion Path also includes directional expressions. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ a este peligroso delincuente por la autopista. | ||
Place [Pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The Place is the location which provides a setting for a defined motion (that is one with Source, Path or Goal). | |
La policía CONDUJO a los detenidos a los calabozos. | ||
Purpose [] Semantic Type Human_act | This FE identifies the Purpose of the motion event. | |
Me ACOMPAÑÓ hasta la comisaría para que pudiera mostrar la documentación a la policía.. | ||
Reason [] | Some event or state of affairs that leads to the Theme following the Cotheme. | |
Result [Res] Semantic Type Event | Phrases marked with this frame element mark resultant states that the Cotheme can reach due to the motion event. | |
Los agentes continuaron la PESECUCIÓN hasta que consiguieron detener al atracador. | ||
Road [Road] | Phrases that denote a physical path on which the motion of Theme and Cotheme takes place are marked Road. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ el coche de los delincuentes por la autopista. | ||
Source [Src] Semantic Type Source | Source marks any expression which implies a definite starting-point of the motion of the Cotheme. | |
ACOMPAÑARON a los heridos desde el lugar del accidente hasta el hospital. | ||
Speed [Spd] Semantic Type Speed | Phrases that describe the rate of motion of the Theme are marked Speed. | |
La policía PERSIGUIÓ a los delincuentes a toda velocidad por las estrechas calles del casco antiguo de Barcelona. | ||
Time [] Semantic Type Time | This FE identifies the Time when the motion event takes place. |
Inherits From: Self_motion
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Motion
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
acompañar.v, acorralar.v, conducir.v, escoltar.v, llevar.v, llevarse.v, pasear.v, persecución.n, perseguir.v, traer.v, traerse.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:11 CET 2001