

An Agent performs some Action which is considered imprudent. This frame is distinct from Attempt in that the danger that the Agent puts themself in by performing the Action is profiled. The danger is not spelled out, but generally the Action has a possibility or likelihood of causing social or physical harm to the Agent.

I RISKED taking another look.


Action [Act]
This FE denotes the Action taken by the Agent.

Agent [age]
Semantic Type
The individual that performs the Action, resulting in danger to themself.
       I do n't think you should HAZARD the ascent in the dark , that 's all .

Manner [man]
Semantic Type
Any description of the risking action which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (quietly, loudly), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). In addition, it may indicate salient characteristics of an Agent that also affect the action (presumptuously, coldly, deliberately, eagerly, carefully).
       If you carelessly CHANCE going back there, you deserve what you get.

Place [pla]
Semantic Type
The location where the Agent risks doing the Action.
       Back in his room, he RISKED peeking inside.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
The purpose for which the Action is performed.
       He RISKED a look back to check for pursuit.

Reason [Reas]
Semantic Type
The Reason the Agent takes the risk.
       She RISKED a disguise since they already had a photo of her.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The time at which the Agent dares to perform the Action.
       At dawn, the Captain CHANCED opening the hatch.

Inherits From: Intentionally_act
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

arriesgarse.v, atreverse.v, aventurarse.v, osar.v

Created by infinity on Wed Jul 10 18:18:42 CEST 2002