A Theme moves away from a Source. The Source may be expressed or it may be understood from context, but its existence is always implied by the motion predicate itself. | |
La gente SE ALEJÓ de la zona en la que hubo el escape radiactivo. | |
SALIMOS de allí por la mañana. ECNI | |
Source [Sou] Semantic Type Location | All the verbs in this frame express some change of location, away from one place and to another. Any constituent that expresses the initial position of the Theme, before the change of location, is tagged with Source. Often the Source is understood from context. | |
SALIMOS de San Francisco el sábado por la tarde. | ||
Theme [The] Semantic Type Physical_object | This is the object which moves. | |
Las niñas SALIERON de la escuela. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Circumstances [Cir] | This FE describe the state of the world which is specifically independent of the event itself and any of its participants. | |
El jugador SE RETIRÓ en medio del abucheo general. | ||
Condition [Con] | This FE identifies a circumstance that it is necessary to accomplish an action. | |
Cotheme [Cot] | The Cotheme is the second moving object, expressed as a prepositional phrase generally headed by con, junto con, etc. | |
ME MARCHÉ de allí con todos mis amigos. | ||
Los generales SE RETIRARON del frente junto con sus tropas. | ||
Degree [Deg] | The Degree of the motion event. | |
Intenté ALEJARME un poco de la zona. | ||
Depictive [Dep] | The Depictive is a phrase which describes the Theme at the time of departing. | |
María SALIÓ muy cansada del trabajo. | ||
Direction [Dir] | The direction of rotation of the Theme. | |
Los alemanes tuvieron que REPLEGARSE hacia el oeste. | ||
Distance [Dis] | The Distance that the Theme has traveled. | |
Las fuerzas SE REPLEGARON a dos kilómetros de sus posiciones originales. | ||
Duration [Dur] | Duration of the departing event. | |
Durante los últimos treinta años, HAN EMIGRADO muchos jóvenes de nuestro país. | ||
Event_depictive [Eve] | Depictive phrase describing an event. | |
ME MARCHO dejando un capital de 100 millones de dólares. | ||
Frequency [Fre] | How often a motion event takes place. | |
Salíamos cada día a la misma hora de la oficina. | ||
Goal [Goa] Semantic Type Goal | This FE labels any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of departing from the Source. | |
SE ALEJARON hacia el sur. | ||
Intention [Int] | This FE expresses the intention of the departing event performed by the Theme. Intention FEs are prepositional infinitives or sentential complements introduced by the preposition a (to) and are syntactic arguments of the verb. | |
Miles de personas SE MARCHARON a vivir a la periferia de la ciudad. | ||
Iteration [Ite] | The number of times a departing motion occurs. | |
Max SALIÓ varias veces del país. | ||
Journey [Jour] | The Journey is the trip or expedition on which the Theme embarks. | |
Mr. Burns DEPARTED on a hunting expedition. | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Any index expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion expresses the frame element Manner. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and many other things count as Manner expressions, though Speed and Means should be tagged using the more specific FE labels. | |
Su discreta SALIDA del país fue muy comentada en la prensa. | ||
Manner_of_motion [] | This FE refers to a motion predicate or an adverb that specifies the manner of the departing event. | |
SE ALEJÓ corriendo del lugar donde se había producido el crimen. | ||
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The action of the Theme which results in its departure. | |
Consiguió SALIR del país pagando sobornos a la policía de la frontera. | ||
Mode_of_transportation [Mot] | The Mode_of_transportation expresses how the motion of the Theme is effected, by its body or by a vehicle which holds and conveys the Theme. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium. In this frame, Mode_of_transportation is often expressed obliquely in a prepositional phrase headed by en. | |
SALIERON de la ciudad en barco. | ||
Particular_iteration [Par] | Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states. In addition, most expressions of Particular_iteration indicate which instance of the series is being referred to. | |
Las tropas vietnamitas SE REPLEGARON de nuevo tras la frontera con China. | ||
Path [Path] | Any description of a trajectory of the departure which is neither a Source nor a Goal expresses the frame element Path. In this frame, Path expressions almost always have a sense meaning 'vía'. | |
Drácula SALIÓ de la habitación por la ventana. | ||
Place [Pla] | Place in which the departing event takes place. | |
Seis soldados DESERTARON en Wamblán, un sitio fronterizo con Honduras. | ||
Purpose [Purp] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | This FE identifies the Purpose for which the Theme departs from the Source. | |
Los encapuchados SE ALEJARON del lugar del crimen para evitar ser reconocidos por algún vecino. | ||
Reason [] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Reason is the motivation or explanation for why the Theme departs. | |
SE ALEJARON del lugar del crimen por temor a ser implicados en el asesinato | ||
Speed [Spd] Semantic Type Speed | This frame element labels words or phrases that describe how quickly the Theme is moving. | |
La gente SALIÓ del edificio con gran rapidez. | ||
Time [Tim] Semantic Type Time | The Time at which the departure takes place. | |
NOS RETIRAMOS de la zona al atardecer. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By: Escaping
Subframe of: Traversing
Has Subframes:
Precedes: Arriving
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Motion
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
alejarse.v, desertar.v, emigrar.v, exiliarse.v, largarse.v, marcharse.v, repliegue.n, retirada.n, retirarse.v, salir.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:12 CET 2001