An Experiencer desires that an Event occur. In some cases, the Experiencer is an active participant in the Event, and in such cases the Event itself is often not mentioned, but rather some Focal_participant which is subordinately involved in the Event. | |
Max DESEABA con todas sus fuerzas que desapareciera de su vida. | |
Todos teníamos el DESEO de conseguir el premio. | |
Ella ANSIABA arduamente su partida | |
El pueblo DESEA riquezas. | |
Generally, the use of a word in this frame implies that the specific Event has not yet happened, but that the Experiencer believes that he or she would be happier if it did. Sometimes the Time_of_Event, Purpose_of_Event, or the Location_of_Event are mentioned in some cases without the explicit mention of the Event. | |
Mañana QUEREMOS pizza. | |
Estoy DESEOSO de verla para decirle lo que pienso de ella en la cara. | |
Mañana por la mañana, le QUIERO ver en mi oficina a las 8:00. | |
Note that in some cases a resultant state of an event of becoming will stand in metonimacally for the Event itself. | |
DESEO que vuestro proyecto sea un éxito. | |
DESEARÍA de todo corazón ser un vampiro. | |
Event [Eve] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The change that the Experiencer would like to see. | |
Max DESEABA con todas sus fuerzas que ella desapareciera de su vida para siempre. | ||
Ella estaba DESEOSA de verle. | ||
ANSIÁBAMOS secretamente su partida para siempre. | ||
Experiencer [Exp] Semantic Type Sentient | The Experiencer is the person (or sentient being) who wishes for the Event to occur. | |
Michael Schumacher ANSÍA un buen resultado para él , para Ferrari y para los miles de seguidores que le animarán el domingo. | ||
Focal_participant [Foc] | This is the entity that the Experiencer wishes to be affected by some Event. | |
El pueblo ANSIABA riquezas. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Cause [Cause] | An aspect of the Experiencer that causes a desire. | |
Do Italians have a genetic YEARNING for pizza? | ||
Intellectually he LONGED for success, but really he just wanted love. | ||
Concessive [Con] | This frame element signifies that the state of affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state of affairs would be expected given the state of affairs in the concessive clause. | |
España ASPIRABA a albergar las instalaciones de este importante centro de investigación, a pesar de que su organización y su presupuesto era más propio de una república bananera que de un país de la Unión Europea . | ||
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | The Degree is a the extent of the Experiencer's Desiring. | |
A los dirigentes políticos no les APETECE nada que las mujeres formen parte de las administraciones locales. | ||
Duration [Dur] Semantic Type Duration | The amount of time for which the Experiencer has desired something. | |
Vivió ANHELANDO hasta el final de su vida que le dieran un papel que estuviera a la altura de su gran talla como actor. | ||
Frequency [Fre] | This frame element is defined as the number of times an event occurs per some unit of time. | |
Con el paso de los años, ya no me APETECÍA con tanta frecuencia ir a visitarle a su casa. | ||
Iteration [Ite] | This frame element is used for expressions that indicate the number of times an event or state (of the kind denoted by the target in its clause) has taken place or held. | |
ASPIRABA por tercera vez consecutiva a obtener el cargo de director general de la empresa. | ||
Location_of_Event [Loc] | The Location_of_Event is the place involved in the desired Event. | |
Mañana por la mañana, le QUIERO ver en mi oficina a las 8:00. | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | The way in which the Experiencer desires something. | |
I WANTED more of her like a junkie wants his next fix. | ||
Place [Pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | Where the event takes place. Note that this FE is of extremely rare occurrence in this frame. | |
En el País de los Sueños, nadie ANSIABA tener riquezas. | ||
Purpose_of_Event [Pur] | The Purpose_of_Event is the purpose pertaining to the desired Event. | |
Estoy DESEOSO de verla para decirle lo que pienso de ella en la cara. | ||
QUIERO el libro para el examen de mañana. | ||
Reason [Rea] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Reason shows why the Experiencer wants the Event to occur. This FE occurs frequently as a PP complement headed by por (for), etc. | |
Pensaba equivocadamente que todos ANHELABAN estar con ella por sus riquezas. | ||
El pueblo ANHELABA riquezas porque creía que ello iba a cambiar sus vidas. | ||
Role_of_focal_participant [Rol] | The Role_of_focal_participant is a role filled by a Focal_participant in the Event that the Experiencer desires. | |
El pueblo no DESEA a Zapatero como presidente. | ||
Time [Tim] Semantic Type Time | The Time is when the Experiencer desires something. | |
¡De modo que ahora QUIERES ir al parque! | ||
El país ANHELABA un cambio tras una década de gobiernos incompetentes y corruptos. | ||
Time_of_Event [Time] | The time that the Event would ideally occur. | |
Mañana QUEREMOS pizza. | ||
Mañana por la mañana, le QUIERO ver en mi oficina a las 8:00. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Emotions, Experiencer_focus
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
anhelar.v, anhelo.n, ansia.n, ansiar.v, apetecer.v, aspirar.v, desear.v, deseo.n, deseoso.a, esperanza.n, ganas.n, querer.v
Created by infinity on Fri Jul 05 14:56:46 CEST 2002