This frame contains words referring to teaching and the participants in teaching. A Student comes to learn either about a Subject; a Skill; a Precept; or a Fact as a result of instruction by a Teacher. Some of the nouns (schoolmaster, -mistress) in this frame refer to administrative positions and do not take relevant frame elements; these will be moved. | |
Mi maestro me ENSEÑÓ que las cosas no son como nosotros creemos que las vemos. | |
APRENDIMOS a solucionar este tipo de problemas en la Universidad. ECNI | |
Durante nuestro aprendizaje, APRENDIMOS cómo solucionar este tipo de problemas. ECNI | |
Me ENSEÑO muchas cosas sobre semántica léxica. | |
Mom and Dad TAUGHT me not to bullshit, because it always came back to bite me in the ass, without fail. | |
Young Murdock later met a blind martial arts master known as Stick, who taught him how to use his augmented senses and TRAINED him as a fighter. | |
Maria, a woman STUDYING to be a nun is sent from her convent to be the governess of the seven children of a widowed naval captain | |
Frame-Element relations: Several Frame element relations hold in this frame. There is a core-set {Material, Teacher} (possibly also including Institution); these FE's can fill the subject slot of the teach-type verbs. There is another core-set {Precept, Subject, Skill, Fact, Role} to do with what is learnt. In addition, the FE Qualification may occur with Subject and Role | |
My sister is studying for a maths degree to be a teacher | |
She's studying maths to be a teacher . | |
Phrases expressing Qualification also very often include information about the Subject (see below), which is to be annotated on the second layer. | |
Bill is STUDYING for a BS in physics/a maths degree. | |
Bill is STUDYING for a BS in physics/a maths degree. | |
Cognizer [Cog] | Cognizer is the person who comes to believe something after a process of reasoning. | |
Fact [fac] | A piece of information that the Student is informed of by the Teacher. | |
When I was two she TAUGHT me that a quarter was 25 cents and a dime was 10 cents. | ||
Material [mat] | Educational Material, such as books, tapes, or videos, used by a Teacher or a Student to acquire skills or knowledge. | |
All employees have received a booklet INSTRUCTING them on how to report ` anything from unwanted touching and uncalled-for blue jokes to overt demands for sexual favours . " | ||
Qualification [Qual] | A formal Qualification such as an academic degree or a certificate for which a student is aiming. | |
She's STUDYING for a Master's degree | ||
She's an MA STUDENT | ||
Role [rol] | A role, typically professional or vocational, that the Student is meant to be able to fill as a result of their training. | |
When his father died he went to live with an uncle in Ka'u who TRAINED him as a warrior during his teenage years | ||
Skill [ski] | An action which the Student is able to perform as a result of instruction. | |
Taut with worry, Dad TAUGHT us how to drive. | ||
Student [stu] Semantic Type Sentient | One who is instructed by a Teacher in skills or knowledge. | |
Subject [sub] | The area of knowledge or skill which is taught by a Teacher or to a Student. | |
She's a French TEACHER | ||
Teacher [tea] Semantic Type Sentient | One who instructs a Student in some area of knowledge or skill. | |
Non-Core: | ||
Course [cou] | FN: a program of lectures or other matter dealing with a subject | |
Degree [Degr] Semantic Type Degree | Degree to which event occurs | |
Depictive [Dep] | Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action | |
Duration [] Semantic Type Duration | The amount of time for which a state holds or a process is ongoing. | |
Evidence [Evi] | Words in this frame may occur with a PP headed by de (from) and other prepositions which express the Evidence on which knowledge or belief is based. | |
Frequency [Fre] | ||
Institution [Instn] | An educational establishment, such as a school or college. | |
Level [Lvl] | This FE identifies the Level of a student in his/her education. This is distinct from the goal or qualification towards which a student is working (Qualification). | |
a graduate Student | ||
a fourth grade Student | ||
The above are both Levels, in contrast to: | ||
a doctoral Student | ||
an MA Student | ||
Manner [Manr] Semantic Type Manner | Manner of performing an action | |
Means [Means] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | An intentional action performed by the actor (Student or Teacher depending on the profiling of particular words) that lets them achieve the instruction or learning they are attempting. | |
Place [] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The Place is the location within which the teaching takes place. | |
Precept [pre] | A guideline for correct behavior. In most cases, this concerns morally or socially desirable actions. | |
My brother TAUGHT me not to be mean to guys when I'm not interested in them. | ||
Purpose [pur] | The state-of-affairs that the Teacher hopes to bring about by teaching. | |
I TEACH so that I can see the little light-bulb light up. | ||
Result [Result] | Result of an event | |
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | The time when the teaching occurs. | |
Topic [Top] | Some verbs in this frame may occur with postverbal Topic expressions. |
Inherits From: Intentionally_affect
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Memorization
aprender.v, enseñar.v
Created by ejwood on Wed May 23 15:07:57 CEST 2001