

This frame contains words referring to teaching and the participants in teaching. A Student comes to learn either about a Subject; a Skill; a Precept; or a Fact as a result of instruction by a Teacher. Some of the nouns (schoolmaster, -mistress) in this frame refer to administrative positions and do not take relevant frame elements; these will be moved.

Mi maestro me ENSEÑÓ que las cosas no son como nosotros creemos que las vemos.

APRENDIMOS a solucionar este tipo de problemas en la Universidad. ECNI

Durante nuestro aprendizaje, APRENDIMOS cómo solucionar este tipo de problemas. ECNI

Me ENSEÑO muchas cosas sobre semántica léxica.

Mom and Dad TAUGHT me not to bullshit, because it always came back to bite me in the ass, without fail.

Young Murdock later met a blind martial arts master known as Stick, who taught him how to use his augmented senses and TRAINED him as a fighter.

Maria, a woman STUDYING to be a nun is sent from her convent to be the governess of the seven children of a widowed naval captain

Frame-Element relations: Several Frame element relations hold in this frame. There is a core-set {Material, Teacher} (possibly also including Institution); these FE's can fill the subject slot of the teach-type verbs. There is another core-set {Precept, Subject, Skill, Fact, Role} to do with what is learnt. In addition, the FE Qualification may occur with Subject and Role

My sister is studying for a maths degree to be a teacher

She's studying maths to be a teacher .
Phrases expressing Qualification also very often include information about the Subject (see below), which is to be annotated on the second layer.

Bill is STUDYING for a BS in physics/a maths degree.

Bill is STUDYING for a BS in physics/a maths degree.
Semantic Type


Cognizer [Cog]
Cognizer is the person who comes to believe something after a process of reasoning.

Fact [fac]
A piece of information that the Student is informed of by the Teacher.
       When I was two she TAUGHT me that a quarter was 25 cents and a dime was 10 cents.

Material [mat]
Educational Material, such as books, tapes, or videos, used by a Teacher or a Student to acquire skills or knowledge.
       All employees have received a booklet INSTRUCTING them on how to report ` anything from unwanted touching and uncalled-for blue jokes to overt demands for sexual favours . "

Qualification [Qual]
A formal Qualification such as an academic degree or a certificate for which a student is aiming.
       She's STUDYING for a Master's degree
       She's an MA STUDENT

Role [rol]
A role, typically professional or vocational, that the Student is meant to be able to fill as a result of their training.
        When his father died he went to live with an uncle in Ka'u who TRAINED him as a warrior during his teenage years

Skill [ski]
An action which the Student is able to perform as a result of instruction.
       Taut with worry, Dad TAUGHT us how to drive.

Student [stu]
Semantic Type
One who is instructed by a Teacher in skills or knowledge.

Subject [sub]
The area of knowledge or skill which is taught by a Teacher or to a Student.
       She's a French TEACHER

Teacher [tea]
Semantic Type
One who instructs a Student in some area of knowledge or skill.

Course [cou]
FN: a program of lectures or other matter dealing with a subject

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
Degree to which event occurs

Depictive [Dep]
Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action

Duration []
Semantic Type
The amount of time for which a state holds or a process is ongoing.

Evidence [Evi]
Words in this frame may occur with a PP headed by de (from) and other prepositions which express the Evidence on which knowledge or belief is based.

Frequency [Fre]

Institution [Instn]
An educational establishment, such as a school or college.

Level [Lvl]
This FE identifies the Level of a student in his/her education. This is distinct from the goal or qualification towards which a student is working (Qualification).
       a graduate Student
       a fourth grade Student
  The above are both Levels, in contrast to:
       a doctoral Student
       an MA Student

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action

Means [Means]
Semantic Type
An intentional action performed by the actor (Student or Teacher depending on the profiling of particular words) that lets them achieve the instruction or learning they are attempting.

Place []
Semantic Type
The Place is the location within which the teaching takes place.

Precept [pre]
A guideline for correct behavior. In most cases, this concerns morally or socially desirable actions.
       My brother TAUGHT me not to be mean to guys when I'm not interested in them.

Purpose [pur]
The state-of-affairs that the Teacher hopes to bring about by teaching.
       I TEACH so that I can see the little light-bulb light up.

Result [Result]
Result of an event

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
The time when the teaching occurs.

Topic [Top]
Some verbs in this frame may occur with postverbal Topic expressions.

Inherits From: Intentionally_affect
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Memorization

Lexical Units

aprender.v, enseñar.v

Created by ejwood on Wed May 23 15:07:57 CEST 2001