

This frame deals with an Agent's moving of a Theme in relation to a Source. The Source is profiled and the Theme is removed from it.

Max VACIÓ la casa de trastos.
These are predicates relating to emptying containers and clearing areas of some substance or items. The area or container can appear as the direct object with all these verbs, and is designated Source, because it is the source of motion of the Theme. Corresponding to its nuclear argument status, it is also affected in some crucial way, unlike Source in other frames. Some words in this frame, such as vaciar, may also occur with Goal (or with Path) expressions.

Max VACIÓ el contenido de la botella en un cazo.


Agent [Agt]
Semantic Type
The Agent is the entity that does the emptying.
       Max VACIÓ la casa de trastos.

Cause [Cause]
The Cause is the non-sentient force which instigates the emptying.
       El viento VACIÓ las papeleras de la calle.

Source [Src]
Semantic Type
The Source is the region or container which is emptied of something. In this frame, the Source occurs usually as an NP Object.
       Los empleados VACIARON el depósito.

Theme [Thm]
Semantic Type
The Theme, when overtly expressed, usually occurs in a PP Complement headed by de (of).
       Max VACIÓ la casa de trastos.

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
The Degree to which the Agent empties the Source.
       Max VACIÓ completamente el depósito de gasoil.

Depictive [Dep]
Depicitive phrase describing either the Agent or Theme of the emptying.
       Max VACIÓ el cubo de la basura a regañadientes.

Goal [Goal]
Semantic Type
The Goal is any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion.
       Max VACIÓ el contenido de la botella en un cazo.

Instrument [Inst]
Semantic Type
This is the object with which the Agent empties the Source.
       VACIAMOS el depósito con un tubo de goma.

Iteration []
The number of times a motion occurs.
       HEMOS VACIADO el depósito varias veces.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
The Manner in which the Agent empties the Source.
       El ladrón VACIÓ el bolso de la señora disimuladamente.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
The Means by which the Agent empties the Source.
       Max VACIÓ el depósito abriendo un profundo orificio en su base.

Path [Path]
The Path is any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor a Goal.
       EVACUARON a los heridos por los toboganes de emergencia.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
Place where the filling event takes places.
       Los agricultores VACIARON el contenido de sus bolsas ante las puertas del Parlamento.

Purpose [Purp]
The Purpose of the filling event.
       VACIARON el depósito de gasolina para ponerle queroseno.

Reason []
The Reason for which an event occurs.

Result [Res]
The Result of the Agent emptying the Source.
       VACIÓ el contenido de la botella hasta que esta quedó completamente vacía.

Source_of_legal_authority []
The FE Source_of_legal_authority describes the law or authority that forces the emptying event.
       La policía DESALOJÓ por orden judicial unos inmuebles ocupados por 400 familias.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Time when emptying occurs.
       DESALOJARON el edificio a las cinco de la madrugada.

Inherits From: Transitive_action
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Removing
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

desalojar.v, deshinchar.v, desinflar.v, evacuar.v, vaciar.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:13 CET 2001