A self-moving Escapee departs from an Undesirable_location. | |
Algunos presos políticos SE pudieron FUGAR de las siniestras cárceles del franquismo. | |
Escapee [Esc] | The Escapee is the individual that manages to leave the Undesirable_location. | |
Max consiguió HUIR de las cárceles de la dictadura. | ||
Undesirable_location [Und] Semantic Type Source | The Undesirable_location is an undesirable place that Escapee departs from. | |
Max consiguió HUIR de las cárceles de la dictadura. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Area [] | This FE is used for phrases that describe a general Area in which motion occurs when it is understood to be irregular and not to consist of a single linear path. Locative setting adjuncts of motion expressions may also be assigned this frame element. | |
Emprendió una HUIDA desesperada por España en busca de un lugar seguro. | ||
Circumstances [Cir] | This FE marks the set of conditions under which the Escapee moves. | |
Los reclusos HUYERON sin que quedara constanciad ello. | ||
Cotheme [] | ||
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | This FE identifies the (abstract) nearness of the Escapee to being caught in the Undesirable_location. | |
Benjamin's narrow ESCAPE from Germany left him fearful. | ||
Depictive [Dep] | Depictive is a word or phrase describing a participant in the escaping event. | |
Max SE FUGÓ herido de la comisaría de Vía Layetana. | ||
Distance [Dis] | The distance along a path away from the Undesirable_location that the Escapee travels. | |
She ESCAPED a few feet away, then looked back at him coldly. | ||
Domain [Dom] | When the target is used metaphorically, the FE Domain indicates the target domain of the metaphor. | |
Los críticos analizaron la HUIDA espiritual de este escritor hacia lo irreal. | ||
Duration [] | The Duration of the escaping event. | |
Frequency [] | The Frequency is the rate at which each escaping event takes place. | |
Goal [Goa] Semantic Type Goal | Goal identifies any expression which tells where the Escapee ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion. | |
Muchos demócratas y liberales españoles HUYERON a América tras la Guerra Civil. | ||
Iteration [Ite] | This FE identifies the number of times that an escaping action takes place. | |
HUYÓ de la cárcel varias veces | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | Manner is used for any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion, including descriptions of steadiness, grace, means of motion, etc. | |
HUYÓ de las cárceles del franquismo con grandes dificultades. | ||
Manner_of_motion [] | This FE refers to a motion predicate or an adverb that specifies the manner of the escaping action. | |
SE ESCAPÓ corriendo del lugar del crimen para que no le atrapara la policía. | ||
Means [Mea] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | Means covers any act performed by the Escapee that brings about the escape. | |
Max HUYÓ de las cárceles de la dictadura sobornando a los guardianes de su celda.. | ||
Path [Pat] | Path describes the trajectory of motion of the Escapee. | |
Max HUYÓ a Francia por los Pirineos. | ||
Place [Pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | This FE identifies the Place where the escaping occurs. | |
Purpose [Pur] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | This FE identifies the Purpose for which the escaping takes place. | |
Max HUYÓ de la dictadura franquista para poder vivir en libertad. | ||
Reason [] | The reason of the escaping event. | |
Result [] | The result of the escaping action. | |
Speed [Spe] Semantic Type Speed | Speed identifies the rate at which the escaping occurs. | |
HUIMOS rápidamente antes de que llegara la policía militar. | ||
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | This FE identifies the Time when the escaping occurs. | |
Vehicle [Veh] | Means of conveyance by which the Escapee leaves the Undesirable Location. They {got out} [in delivery vans VEH]. Vehicle identifies the means of conveyance by which the Escapee leaves the Undesirable_location. | |
HUIMOS del incencio en nuestro propio coche. | ||
Inherits From: Departing
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
escabullirse.v, escapar.v, escaparse.v, evadirse.v, evasión.n, fuga.n, fugarse.v, huida.n, huir.v
Created by cota on Wed Feb 20 13:27:55 CET 2002