

A self-moving Escapee departs from an Undesirable_location.

Algunos presos políticos SE pudieron FUGAR de las siniestras cárceles del franquismo.



Escapee [Esc]
The Escapee is the individual that manages to leave the Undesirable_location.
       Max consiguió HUIR de las cárceles de la dictadura.

Undesirable_location [Und]
Semantic Type
The Undesirable_location is an undesirable place that Escapee departs from.
       Max consiguió HUIR de las cárceles de la dictadura.
Area []
This FE is used for phrases that describe a general Area in which motion occurs when it is understood to be irregular and not to consist of a single linear path. Locative setting adjuncts of motion expressions may also be assigned this frame element.
       Emprendió una HUIDA desesperada por España en busca de un lugar seguro.

Circumstances [Cir]
This FE marks the set of conditions under which the Escapee moves.
       Los reclusos HUYERON sin que quedara constanciad ello.

Cotheme []

Degree [Deg]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the (abstract) nearness of the Escapee to being caught in the Undesirable_location.
       Benjamin's narrow ESCAPE from Germany left him fearful.

Depictive [Dep]
Depictive is a word or phrase describing a participant in the escaping event.
       Max SE FUGÓ herido de la comisaría de Vía Layetana.

Distance [Dis]
The distance along a path away from the Undesirable_location that the Escapee travels.
       She ESCAPED a few feet away, then looked back at him coldly.

Domain [Dom]
When the target is used metaphorically, the FE Domain indicates the target domain of the metaphor.
       Los críticos analizaron la HUIDA espiritual de este escritor hacia lo irreal.

Duration []
The Duration of the escaping event.

Frequency []
The Frequency is the rate at which each escaping event takes place.

Goal [Goa]
Semantic Type
Goal identifies any expression which tells where the Escapee ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion.
       Muchos demócratas y liberales españoles HUYERON a América tras la Guerra Civil.

Iteration [Ite]
This FE identifies the number of times that an escaping action takes place.
       HUYÓ de la cárcel varias veces

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Manner is used for any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion, including descriptions of steadiness, grace, means of motion, etc.
       HUYÓ de las cárceles del franquismo con grandes dificultades.

Manner_of_motion []
This FE refers to a motion predicate or an adverb that specifies the manner of the escaping action.
       SE ESCAPÓ corriendo del lugar del crimen para que no le atrapara la policía.

Means [Mea]
Semantic Type
Means covers any act performed by the Escapee that brings about the escape.
       Max HUYÓ de las cárceles de la dictadura sobornando a los guardianes de su celda..

Path [Pat]
Path describes the trajectory of motion of the Escapee.
       Max HUYÓ a Francia por los Pirineos.

Place [Pla]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Place where the escaping occurs.

Purpose [Pur]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Purpose for which the escaping takes place.
       Max HUYÓ de la dictadura franquista para poder vivir en libertad.

Reason []
The reason of the escaping event.

Result []
The result of the escaping action.

Speed [Spe]
Semantic Type
Speed identifies the rate at which the escaping occurs.
       HUIMOS rápidamente antes de que llegara la policía militar.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Time when the escaping occurs.

Vehicle [Veh]
Means of conveyance by which the Escapee leaves the Undesirable Location. They {got out} [in delivery vans VEH]. Vehicle identifies the means of conveyance by which the Escapee leaves the Undesirable_location.
       HUIMOS del incencio en nuestro propio coche.

Inherits From: Departing
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

escabullirse.v, escapar.v, escaparse.v, evadirse.v, evasión.n, fuga.n, fugarse.v, huida.n, huir.v

Created by cota on Wed Feb 20 13:27:55 CET 2002