

Some Stimulus causes a Cognizer to think of a prior Phenomenon due to its perceived similarity.

Vendió la casa, porque todo le RECORDABA a él.

¿Le EVOCA a Vd. esta palabra lo mismo que a mí?


Cognizer [Cog]
Semantic Type
The Cognizeris the person who remembers the Phenomenon.
       Todos RECUERDAN la cara que se le quedó al muchacho al ver su globo volar.

Phenomenon [Phe]
The Phenomenon is the mental content that a Cognizer remembers.
       You REMIND me of my uncle Jerry.
       Madonna RECORDÓ algunos momentos de desaliento durante la grabación de su disco.

Stimulus [Sti]
The entity or situation that causes the Cognizer to think of the Phenomenon.
        Internationalization CONJURES up a world of diplomatic exchanges and international agencies in which the interests of ex-colonial and great powers still linger
       Esos propósitos RECUERDAN los de Hermann Goering.

Concessive [Con]
The FE Concessive signifies that the state of affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state of affairs would be expected given the state of affairs in the concessive clause. In other words, given only the facts of the Concessive, one would expect them to cause the world to be the opposite of what is portrayed in the main clause.
       Este tipo me RECUERDA a alguien conocido, aunque ahora no sabría decirte muy bien a quién...

Degree [Deg]
Semantic Type
Degree to which Cognizer perceives the Stimulus to match the Phenomenon.
       La prensa italiana EVOCABA con insistencia la posibilidad de que el ladrón fuese el magistrado recusado.

Distance [Dis]
The Distance that the Cognizer evoke.
       A una distancia de veinte años y 12.000 kilómetros, los argentinos EVOCARON este jueves en Burdeos la primera conquista de una Copa del Mundo.

Duration [Dur]
Semantic Type
The Duration is the amount of time for which the Stimulus continues to remind the Cognizer of the Phenomenon.
       Boris Yeltsin EVOCÓ la eventual integración de Ucrania a la unión de Rusia y Belarus, durante una visita a Brest (Belarus), el lunes pasado.

Feature [fea]
A characteristic of the Stimulus that contributes to the perception of similarity to the Phenomenon.
       She REMINDS me of your mother with her darting beady eyes.

Frequency [Fre]
How often a breathing event takes place.
       Los economistas EVOCAN con frecuencia los riesgos de una deflación en la economía mundial.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Any description of the event which is not covered by more specific FEs, including speed (quickly) and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). Other expressions involving how the experience affects the Cognizer may also be expressed (painfully).

Particular_iteration [Par]
The FE Particular_iteration modifies a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states. In addition, most expressions of Particular_iteration indicate which instance of the series is being referred to.
       Su autoritarismo y su psicopatía me RECORDARON una vez más la actitud de los nazis en los campos de concentración.

Place [Pla]
This FE identifies the Place where the evoke occurs.
       Ellos RECUERDAN a Antón ante el arzobispo de Oviedo.

Reason [Reas]
Semantic Type
The Reason for which the Stimulus evokes the Phenomenon.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
The Time is when the Cognizer remembers the Phenomenon.
       Cuando se conmemoren otros sesenta años más del PAN, se RECORDARÁ a la actual dirigencia.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Memory
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

evocar.v, recordar.v, traer_a_la_memoria.v

Created by josef on Thu Mar 04 16:39:30 CET 2004