

The words in this frame describe an Experiencer's emotions with respect to some Content. A Reason for the emotion may also be expressed. Although the Content may refer to an actual, current state of affairs, quite often it refers to a general situation which causes the emotion.

My ENJOYMENT of the movie was considerably impaired by the seven-foot guy sitting in front of me.

Smithers takes great PLEASURE in collecting matchboxes.

Sergio derives great PLEASURE from smoking.

Smoking gives me extreme PLEASURE.
With certain verbs, the Circumstances can be expressed in a finite clausal or wh- Complement which may optionally be preceded by a Null NP Object:

I HATE it when you do that.
Note: This is not how it is currently tagged.



Content [Cont]
Semantic Type
Content is what the Experiencer's feelings or experiences are directed towards or based upon. The Content differs from a stimulus because the Content is not construed as being direcly responsible for causing the emotion.
        Everyone LOVES compliments.
        Everyone LOVES being complimented.
        His parents DESPAIRED of him.
        John LIKES that I cook him lunch.
        I am AFRAID of spiders.

Event [Event]
Semantic Type
The Eventis the occasion or happening that Experiencers in a certain emotional state participate in.
        The end of the film was filled with JUBILANT scenes.
  Here we know that the scenes are filled with jubilant Experiencers.

Experiencer [Exp]
Semantic Type
The Experiencer experiences the emotion or other internal state.

Expressor [Expr]
The Frame Element Expressor marks expressions that indicate a body part, gesture or other expression of the Experiencer that reflect his or her emotional state. They describe a presentation of the experience or emotion denoted by the adjective or noun.
        The DELIGHT on her face was mixed with asonishment.
        The worshipper's JOYFUL praise rose toward the heavens.

State [State]
The State is the abstract noun that describes a more lasting experience by the Experiencer.
       Tracy was in an IRRITATED mood.

Topic [Top]
The Topic is the area about which the Experiencer has the particular experience.
        Mr. Whiskers was UPSET about his cat treats.
Circumstances [cir]
The Circumstances FE encodes the circumstances or conditions under which the Experiencer experiences the emotion. Unlike Content it does not give the specific content of the emotion, but the Content can often be inferred from the Circumstances.

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
The Degree to which the experience occurs.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action

Parameter [Par]
The Parameter is a domain in which the Experiencer experiences the Content.
       Very few physical science students stressed the intellectual ENJOYMENT of the degree course.

Reason [Reas]
Semantic Type
The Reason is the explanation for why an Experiencer experiences the particular emotion.
        People LOVE giant pandas because they look like teddy bears.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The time at which the Experiencer is in the specified emotional state.
       Last year, Bob was still INTERESTED in the young Republicans.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By: Desirability, Desiring
Perspective on: Emotions
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:07 CET 2001