Some phenomenon (the Stimulus) provokes a particular emotion in an Experiencer. The Stimulus is usually the External Argument and the Experiencer is an Indirect Object. | |
A los gatos les SORPRENDE que los ratones coman queso. | |
Stimulus [Sti] | The Stimulus is the event or entity which brings about the emotional or psychological state of the Experiencer. | |
Nos SORPRENDIÓ verlo en un estado tan lamentable. | ||
Experiencer [Exp] Semantic Type Sentient | The Experiencer reacts emotionally or psychologically to the Stimulus. The Experiencer is usually an Indirect Object | |
Me ENCANTAN las películas de terror. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Depictive [Dep] | The Depictive FE identifies any expression describing the state of a participant in the event. | |
A Pedro, con un gesto angelical, SE le CAE LA BABA de la ilusión que le hace conocer a su sobrino. | ||
Place [Pla] | The location where the assessing takes place. | |
En San Pedro Sula CONMUEVE ver las repetidas escenas de muchas madres que bajan de las lanchas en busca de un futuro mejor. | ||
Reason [Rea] | A state of affairs the Agent is responding to in performing the action indicated by the target. | |
Esto CONMUEVE al gentío, porque es el secreto nunca dicho de todas las parejas. | ||
Result [Result] | The Result of the Stimulus affecting the Experiencer. | |
Affected_part [Aff] | Affected part of the Experiencer. | |
Su actuación CONMOVIÓ el ánimo del público. | ||
Time [Tim] | Time when the emotion event takes place. | |
Le HORRORIZABA escuchar las noticias sobre la guerra por la noche. | ||
Topic_of_stimulus [Top] | Topic of the Stimulus which becomes an object of the emotion predicate. | |
Me SORPRENDE de Vd. que haya aceptado un trato tan desventajoso. | ||
These constructions are usually related with sentences where the Topic_of_stimulus is the External of the Stimulus, when it is a that-clause: | ||
Me SORPRENDE que Vd. haya aceptado un trata tan desventajoso. | ||
Degree [Deg] Semantic Type Degree | Degree to which the Stimulus brings about an emotion in the Experiencer. | |
Me SORPRENDE enormemente que puedas llegar a ser tan mezquino. | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | The Manner in which the Stimulus affects the Experiencer. | |
Los excelentes resultados SORPRENDIERON gratamente a los directivos. | ||
Means [] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Means by which the Stimulus affects the Experiencer. | |
El tenor español EMOCIONÓ al público argentino con una función de gala en el Teatro Avenida de Buenos Aires. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Emotions
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
aburrir.v, alegrar.v, asombrar.v, asustar.v, aterrar.v, avergonzar.v, caerse_la_baba.v, chocar.v, complacer.v, conmover.v, consolar.v, dejar_de_piedra.v, desconcertar.v, divertir.v, doler.v, emocionar.v, encantar.v, entristecer.v, escandalizar.v, extrañar.v, fastidiar.v, gustar.v, hacer_gracia.v, horrorizar.v, inquietar.v, interesar.v, irritar.v, molestar.v, poner_los_pelos_de_punta.v, preocupar.v, remorder_la_conciencia.v, sacar_de_quicio.v, satisfacer.v, sorprender.v, tranquilizar.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:06 CET 2001