The words in this frame describe an Experiencer's emotion with respect to some Content or Topic. | |
Max está SORPRENDIDO de que sean tan garrulos. | |
Drácula tiene AVERSIÓN a los espejos. | |
A Reason for the emotion may also be expressed. Although the Content may refer to an actual, current state of affairs, quite often it refers to a general situation which causes the emotion. |
Content [Con] | Content is what the Experiencer's emotion is based upon. The Content differs from a stimulus, because the Content is not construed as being direcly responsible for causing the change of emotional state. | |
Los ratones están SORPRENDIDOS de que los gatos no coman queso. | ||
Experiencer [Exp] | The Experiencer experiences the emotion or other internal state. The Experiencer in this frame is always the External Argument. | |
Max está ABURRIDO de que le hablen siempre del mismo tema. | ||
Focus [Foc] | The person or object at which de Experiencer's emotion is directed. | |
Está ENCANTADO con su nueva novia. | ||
Topic [Top] | This FE makes explicit the Topic of the emotion felt by the Experiencer without giving the exact content of this emotion. | |
Max está SORPRENDIDO de su actitud. | ||
Drácula siempre tuvo AVERSIÓN a los espejos. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Condition [Cond] | This FE indicates the Conditions under which the Experiencer would experience the emotion or other internal state referred to by the target. | |
Si hubieras estado en la reunión cuando dijo eso, te HUBIERAS SORPRENDIDO enormemente. | ||
Degree [Deg] | Degree to which the emotion occurs. | |
Max está muy SORPRENDIDO de que sean tan corruptos. | ||
Manner [Man] | Manner of experiencing an emotion. | |
Se mostró gratamente SORPRENDIDO por la buena acogida de su trabajo. | ||
Place [Pla] | This FE denotes the Place where the event takes place. | |
En EE.UU se tiene AVERSIÓN a Krupp, por ser el primer productor de acero del mundo y por su apoyo a Hitler durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. | ||
Reason [Rea] | The Reason is the explanation for why an Experiencer experiences the particular emotion. | |
Está ALARMADO porque todavía no ha podido recuperar su inversión de capital. | ||
Stimulus [Sti] | The Stimulus that causes the Experiencer's emotion. | |
Luis estaba ABURRIDO por lo que estaba viendo. | ||
Time [Tim] | Time at which the Experiencer is in the specified emotional state. | |
Está mañana, todos estábamos ALARMADOS de que aún no hubiesen dado señales de vida. | ||
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
aburrido.a, aversión.n, montar_en_cólera.v, perder_la_cabeza.v, perder_la_razón.v, perder_los_estribos.v, sorprendido.a, venirse_abajo.v, volverse_loco.v
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:07 CET 2001