

This frame deals with an Agent's moving of a Theme to a Goal. In Filling, the Goal is profiled, and the Theme ends up on the Goal.

Max LLENÓ la caja de discos
These are words relating to filling containers and covering areas with some thing, things or substance, the Theme. The area or container can appear as the direct object with all these verbs, and is designated Goal, because it is the goal of motion of the Theme. Corresponding to its nuclear argument status, it is also affected in some crucial way, unlike goals in other frames.


Agent [Agt]
Semantic Type
The Agent is the actor who instigates the filling.
       Max LLENÓ la casa de libros.

Cause [Cause]
The Cause is the non-sentient force which instigates the filling.
       El viento LLENÓ el jardín de hojarasca.

Goal [Goal]
Semantic Type
The Goal is the area or container being filled. Goal is generally the NP Object in this frame.
       Max LLENÓ la casa de libros.

Theme [Thm]
Semantic Type
The Theme is the physical object or substance which changes location. The Theme most frequently occurs in a PP Complement headed by de (of), con (with), etc.
       Eva LLENÓ la casa de trastos.
       Max RELLENÓ la funda de los cojines con espuma.

Containing_event [Con]
This FE defines a temporal inclusion relation between the Containing_event (a larger event) and a smaller event.
       En el acto, en el que participaron más de 50.000 personas, se ENVOLVIÓ la estatua del presidente nacionalista con miles y miles de rollos de papel higiénico.

Degree [Degr]
Semantic Type
Degree to which filling occurs.
       Los operarios sólo RELLENARON parcialmente las bombonas de combustible.

Depictive [Dep]
Depictive phrase describing the Agent of the filling action.

Frequency [Freq]
Frequency specifies how often the filling event occurs.
       Con mucha frecuencia, este tipo de productos se ENVALA de forma inadecuada.

Instrument [Ins]
Semantic Type
The Instrument with which the filling occurs.
       Max LLENÓ los depósitos con una manguera.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
The Manner in which the filling occurs.
       Los operarios LLENARON los depósitos de material radioactivo con grandes precauciones.

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
The Means by which the filling occurs.

Place [Place]
Semantic Type
Place where the filling event takes place.
       En el palacio presidencial, los empleados EMBALABAN los objetos personales del presidente saliente.

Purpose [Purp]
Semantic Type
The purpose for which the Agent fills the Goal.
       Max LLENÓ la casa de adornos para sorprender a los invitados

Reason [Reas]
Semantic Type
The Reason for which the Agent fills or covers the Goal.
       Max RELLENABA las bolsas de caramelos, porque estaba preparando una fiesta infantil.

Result [Result]
The Result is the resultant state after the filling has occurred.
       María UNTÓ la sartén con mantequilla hasta que quedó compleatamente recubierta.

Subregion [Sub]
Semantic Type
The Subregion is the smaller area of the Goal where the filling or covering occurs.
       Se CUBRIERON la cabeza de arena , al contemplar cómo se replegaban los últimos soldados del ejército de ocupación.

Time [Time]
Semantic Type
The FE Time denotes the time when the filling occurs.
       El campo se CUBRIRÁ hoy con una lona a partir de las tres de la tarde.

Inherits From: Transitive_action
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Placing
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also: Placing

Lexical Units

adornar.v, cargar.v, cubrir.v, decorar.v, embalar.v, empapelar.v, empaquetar.v, envolver.v, forrar.v, impregnar.v, inundar.v, llenar.v, rellenar.v, revestir.v, untar.v

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:13 CET 2001