

In this frame a Fluid moves from a Source to a Goal along a Path or within an Area.

El agua SE DERRAMABA de los cangilones de la noria.

La sangre SALPICÓ las paredes de la casa .



Fluid [Flu]
The Fluid is the entity that changes location and moves in a fluidic way.
       El agua FLUYE por el río.
Area [Are]
Area is the setting in which the Fluid's movement takes place on an unspecified Path.
       Grandes cantidades de agua FLUYEN por la superficie del valle.

Cause [Cau]
The Cause is the reason for the fluidic motion.
       It FLOWED from the sheer weight of water above it.

Configuration [Con]
The Configuration encodes information about the amount, arrangement, and unitization of the flow.
       La sangre FLUYE a borbotones por la herida.

Degree [Deg]
The Degree of the motion event.
       El agua SE DERRAMA en grandes cantidades del estanque.

Depictive [Dep]
This FE identifies the Depictive phrase describing the Fluid throughout the action.
       El río FLUÍA lento.

Distance [Dis]
This FE describes the phsyical extent of the motion of the Fluid.

Duration [Dur]
Semantic Type
The amount of time for which the Fluid moves.
       El agua envenenada FLUYE durante días por el río del pueblo.

Facilitating_event [Fac]
This FE denotes an event that has a facilitating relation to the motion event expressed by the target. This FE is usually expressed by a PP headed by al (by the) followed by an infinitival verb form.
       Millones de toneladas de barro, agua, mineral de cobre y otros desechos SE DERRAMARON al desmoronarse una represa de la isla de Marinduque en marzo de 1996.

Frequency [Fre]
How often a motion event takes place.

Goal [Goa]
Semantic Type
Goal is the location the Fluid ends up.
       Los malos olores SE FILTRAN a las casas vecinas.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
The Manner in which the Fluid flows.
       La lluvia SALPICABA las ventanas con tal fuerza que no dejaba ver nada del exterior.

Means [Mea]
The Means by which the Fluid moves.
       El agua FLUYE apropiadamente gracias a los regadíos árabes.

Path [Pat]
The Path is the trajectory along with the Fluid moves.
       El sol SE FILTRA por la ventana.

Place [Pla]
Semantic Type
The Place describes the location of the motion which has a specified Source, Path or Goal.

Possessor [Pos]
This FE identifies the Possessor of the body part that is related to the fluidic_motion event.
       Unas gotitas de agua le SALPICABAN el rostro.

Reason [Rea]
Reason why the motion event takes place.
       La sangre de personas inocentes SE DERRAMA por decir la verdad.

Result [Res]
This FE identifies the Result of the Fluid moving.
       El agua FLUÍA por el campo haciendo crecer los vegetales.

Source [Sou]
Semantic Type
The Source is the location the Fluid occupies initially.
       La luz SE FILTRA desde los lucernarios.

Speed [Spe]
Semantic Type
This is the rate at which the Fluid flows.
       El veneno SE FILTRÓ con mucha rapidez por la sangre de la víctima.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
The Time when the Fluid flows.
       Cuando se esconde el sol, la luz de la luna SE FILTRA por mi ventana.

Inherits From: Motion
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Motion
Is Used By: Breathing
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

fluir.v, salpicar.v

Created by rocio on Thu Dec 23 09:53:31 CET 2004