

A Container is in a state of fullness or emptiness with respect to some Contents. Note the connection between words in this frame and those in the Containers, Emptying, and Filling frames.

El depósito estaba LLENO de agua.

La bota del pastor estaba VACÍA. INI

Iñigo de Montoya acarreaba un cántaro LLENO de agua.


Container [Con]
The FE Container is used for the entity whose fullness is being described.
       La bota del pastor estaba VACÍA.

Contents [Cont]
Contents is used for the stuff that is present/absent in the Container.
       La bota estaba LLENA de vino.

Degree [Deg]
Semantic Type
The FE Degree denotes the extent to which the amount of Contents in the Container diverges from the maximal expected amount for the Container.
       El depósito está demasiado LLENO.

Time [Tim]
The FE Time refers to the time when the Container is full.
       Por la tarde, el depósito estaba VACIÓ todavía.

Inherits From: Gradable_attributes
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Containing
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

abarrotado.a, colmado.a, lleno.a, rebosante.a, relleno.a, repleto.a, saturado.a, vacío.a

Created by infinity on Mon Dec 10 16:41:18 CET 2001