

The words in this frame have to do with non-verbal communication. The content of the non-verbal communication between the Communicator and the Addressee is usually expressed with a PP Complement headed by para 'for' or as a modifier of the target when it is a noun.

Le hice un GESTO para que se acercase. ECNI

Al preguntarle si iría, hizo una SEÑAL de asentimiento con la cabeza. ECNI
Message or Topic is not normally expressed with these words. This seems to be related to the absence of a verbal code in cases of gestural communication. Topic can be viewed as a partial characterization of a Message, but such partial characterization is either difficult or irrelevant in the absence of a verbal code.


Addressee [Add]
Semantic Type
This is the person to whom a non-verbal message is communicated. It may be expressed as an NP Object or as a PP Complement:
       Le GUIÑE EL OJO al verla.
       El capitan hizo un GESTO a los soldados para que iniciaran el ataque.

Body_part [Bod]
Semantic Type
The Body_part is the specific body part of the Communicator which gestures.
       El guardia nos hizo un GESTO con las manos para que nos fuéramos de allí.

Communicator [Com]
Semantic Type
This is the person who communicates a Message non-verbally. It is normally expressed as an External Argument.
       Le GUIÑÓ EL OJO al entrar. ECNI

Depictive []
This FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action.

Indicated_entity []
The Indicated_entity is the entity which the Communicator is pointing out to the Addressee as meaningful.

Instrument [Ins]
The instrument with which an intentional act is performed.

Manner [Manr]
Semantic Type
Manner of performing an action

Means [Mns]
Semantic Type
An act performed by the Communicator that results in the successful transfer of a Message.
       He SIGNALLED John to fold by touching his ear and leaning back.

Message [Mes]
Semantic Type
This FE denotes the content of the non-verbal communication between the Communicator and the Addressee. With verbal targets, the Message is usually expressed as a PP Complement headed by para 'for'. With noun targets, it is usually expressed as a modifier of the target.
       Le hice un GESTO para que se acercase.
       Al preguntarle si iría, hizo una SEÑAL de asentimiento con la cabeza.

Place [[Place]]
Semantic Type
The Place is where the gesturing occurs.

Purpose [Pur]
The FE Purpose denotes the purpose of the gesturing. The Purpose FE in this Frame might express the content of the non-verbal communication between the Communicator and the Addressee.
       Le hice un GESTO para que se largara de una vez.

Result []
Result of an event

Simultaneous_event []
Simultaneous_event is an event that occurs while the motion event takes place.

Time []
Semantic Type
When the gesturing occus.

Inherits From: Communication
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

gesto.n, guiñar un ojo.v, señal.n

Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:01 CET 2001