A Donor transfers a Theme from a Donorto a Recipient. This frame includes only actions that are initiated by the Donor (the one that starts out owning the Theme). Sentences (even metaphorical ones) must meet the following entailments: the Donor first has possession of the Theme. Following the transfer the Donor no longer has the Theme and the Recipient does. | |
Barney GAVE the beer to Moe. | |
$300 was ENDOWED to the university.to build a new performing arts building. | |
Donor [Donor] | The person that begins in possession of the Themeand causes it to be in the possession of the Recipient. | |
Recipient [Rec] | The entity that ends up in possession of the Theme. | |
Theme [Thm] Semantic Type Physical_object | The object that changes ownership. | |
Non-Core: | ||
Circumstances [cir] | The Circumstances are the conditions under which the Theme is given. | |
I GIVE my services free of charge. | ||
Manner [Man] Semantic Type Manner | The Manner is the manner in which the Donor gives the Theme to the Recipient. | |
Means [Mns] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Means by which the Donor gives the Theme to the Recipient. | |
Place [Place] Semantic Type Locative_relation | The Place where the Donor gives the Theme to the Recipient. | |
Purpose [Purp] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Purpose for which the Donor gives the Theme to the Recipient. | |
Purpose_of_theme [pot] | The Recipient's intended purpose for the Theme. | |
Please GIVE this list to the secretary for entry into the client database. | ||
Reason [Reas] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The Reason for which the Donor gives the Theme to the Recipient. | |
Time [Time] Semantic Type Time | The Time is when the Donor gives the Theme to the Recipient. |
Inherits From: Intentionally_act, Lose_possession
Is Inherited By: Commerce_pay, Commerce_sell
Subframe of: Giving_scenario
Has Subframes:
Precedes: Post_giving
Is Preceded by: Pre_giving
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Transfer
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of: Getting
See Also:
conceder.v, dar.v, donaciĆ³n.n, donante.n, donar.v, entrega.n, entregar.v, legado.n, legar.v, proporcionar.v, regalar.v, regalo.n
Created by infinity on Sat Jun 23 20:15:16 CEST 2001