

A Cognizer possesses knowledge about the workings, significance, or meaning of an idea or object, which we call Phenomenon, and is able to make predictions about the behavior or occurrence of the Phenomenon.

Las nuevas generaciones no CONCIBEN que la jefatura del Estado se herede como una finca.

No COMPRENDIMOS cuáles eran las implicaciones de su análisis historiográfico. ECNI

El concepto de democracia y libertad resulta INCOMPRENSIBLE para estas culturas.
The Phenomenon may be incorporated into the wider knowledge structure via categorization, which can be indicated by the mention of a Category.

CONCIBEN este formalismo como un procedimiento rápido y fácil para realizar un análisis automático. ECNI
The Cognizer may possess knowledge only in part and this may be expressed in a Completeness expression.

Dudo que HAYA COMPRENDIDO completamente lo que le expliqué. ECNI
The Cognizer may also be realized as a cognitive-emotional Faculty that is conceived of as having understanding.

Nuestra mente no puede COMPRENDER el infinito.
Note that the knowledge may have been acquired either from instruction or from the Cognizer's own experimentation, observation, or mental operations. Words in this frame are frequently used metonymically to denote the transition into the state described above.



Cognizer [Cog]
Semantic Type
The sentient animate being who acquires new knowledge.
       No COMPRENDIMOS cuáles eran las implicaciones de su análisis historiográfico. ECNI

Faculty [Fac]
A part of a person's cognitive-emotional faculties that is said to acquire knowledge.
       Nuestro corazón COMPRENDIÓ perfectamente el espíritu de sus palabras.
       COMPRENDIMOS sus palabras con el corazón.

Phenomenon [Phe]
A state of affairs or dynamic system whose internal make-up and working the Cognizer comes to assimilate into their knowledge structure.
       Nadie COMPRENDIÓ que la propuesta era muy perjudicial para nuestra empresa.
Category [Cat]
This FE expresses a general type or class of which the Phenomenon is considered an instance by the Cognizer, allowing them to make predictions about the qualities, occurrence, or behavior of the Phenomenon.
       Luhmann CONCIBE la teoría de sistemas como un eficaz esquema de diferencias que posibilita realizar observaciones adecuadas.

Circumstances [Circ]
Circumstances describe the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the event denoted by the target and any of its participants.
       Su actitud resulta COMPRENSIBLE ante la situación actual del mercado de trabajo.

Completeness [Com]
The extent to which the Cognizer has incorporated the workings and significance of a Phenomenon into their knowledge structure.
       No COMPRENDIENRON completamente la diferencia entre ambas propuestas.

Degree [Deg]
The FE Degree selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
       A mí esto me resulta tan INCOMPRENSIBLE como a mis compañeros de curso.

Evidence [Evi]
Evidence marks expressions that indicate the source of the Cognizer's knowledge.
       A través de su obra, se COMPRENDE muy bien a un artista.
       The reason for this effect is easiest to UNDERSTAND from a picture.

Focal_participant [Foc]
The Focal_participant FE denotes an individual or entity that is related to the Phenomenon, i.e. the state of affairs or dynamic system whose internal make-up and working the Cognizer comes to assimilate into their knowledge structure.
       Lo INCOMPRENSIBLE de este catedrático español es que se pasó gran parte de su carrera criticando el sistema académico hispano.

Manner [Man]
Semantic Type
Any description of the event which is not covered by more specific FEs, including epistemic modification (probablemente 'probably', posiblemente 'possibly') and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). It may also indicate the relative ease of the Cognizer in acquiring new knowledge (fácilmente 'readily', difícilmente 'with difficulty').
       Este chico ENTIENDE fácilmente lo que se le explica.

Place [Pla]
Where the event takes place.
       En el resto de Europa, nadie ENTIENDE que un Gobierno en decadencia no convoque elecciones.

Reason [Rea]
A state of affairs the Cognizer is responding to in performing the action indicated by the target.
       Se COMPRENDE que la traducción española sea pésima, porque el traductor no dominaba ninguno de los dos idiomas..

Reference_point [Ref]
A mental concept or domain to which the Cognizer relates their new knowledge.
       Para mí, este razonamiento es completamente INCOMPRENSIBLE desde el punto de vista psicológico.

Time [Tim]
Semantic Type
The time when the Cognizer assimilates the new knowledge.
       Hoy finalmente HE ENTENDIDO las bases de su planteamiento teórico.

Inherits From: Awareness
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

comprender.v, comprensible.a, comprensión.n, concebir.v, entender.v, incomprensible.a, incomprensión.n, ininteligible.a, inteligible.a

Created by josef on Mon Feb 23 18:18:40 CET 2004