

The obtaining of a Requirement state of affairs or the presence of a Required_entity is profiled as a prerequisite for the obtaining or occurring of a Dependent state-of-affairs.

El sistema educativo español NECESITA una profunda revisión, que los políticos nunca van a llevar a cabo.

Este zumo de limón NECESITA un poco más de azúcar.

¿Qué criterio de igualdad REQUIERE una democracia como la española?

El motor de este coche deprotivo REQUIERE de unos cuidados enormes.

Este asunto PRECISA toda nuestra atención.

Este tema PRECISA de un análisis pormenorizado.



Dependent [dep]
The state-of-affairs which cannot hold without the state of affairs of the Requirement or the presence of the Required_entity.

Required_entity [reqe]
An entity that has to be present for the Dependent state of affairs to obtain.
       Believe it or not, but this cake REQUIRES a pound of mild sausage.

Requirement [req]
The state-of-affairs that must obtain in order for the Dependent to obtain.
Condition [con]
The conditions under which the the Requirement is necessary.
       This Par 5 DEMANDS great shotmaking if the player is to equal or better par.

Degree [deg]
Semantic Type
The extent to which the Dependent depends on the presence of the Required_entity or the obtaining of the Requirement.
       A performance like this absolutely DEMANDS charm.

Domain [dom]
The field of endeavor whose nature imposes the Requirement.

Explanation [exp]
Semantic Type
The state-of-affairs which militates that the Requirement is necessary for the Dependent to obtain.

Place [pla]
Semantic Type
Place denotes a location in which the specified relation between Requirement and Dependent holds.
       In the US, putting this on the agenda REQUIRES the political weight and leadership of big city mayors.

Required_individual [reqi]
An individual that has to provide the Required_entity or to see to it that the Requirement state of affairs holds.
       It's a sport that DEMANDS everything of me.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The time at which the Requirement is necessary for the Dependent.

Inherits From: Contingency
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Requirement_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

necesitar.v, precisar.v, requerir.v

Created by josef on Thu Jun 09 14:01:53 CEST 2005