The obtaining of a Requirement state of affairs or the presence of a Required_entity is profiled as a prerequisite for the obtaining or occurring of a Dependent state-of-affairs. | |
El sistema educativo español NECESITA una profunda revisión, que los políticos nunca van a llevar a cabo. | |
Este zumo de limón NECESITA un poco más de azúcar. | |
¿Qué criterio de igualdad REQUIERE una democracia como la española? | |
El motor de este coche deprotivo REQUIERE de unos cuidados enormes. | |
Este asunto PRECISA toda nuestra atención. | |
Este tema PRECISA de un análisis pormenorizado. | |
Dependent [dep] | The state-of-affairs which cannot hold without the state of affairs of the Requirement or the presence of the Required_entity. | |
Required_entity [reqe] | An entity that has to be present for the Dependent state of affairs to obtain. | |
Believe it or not, but this cake REQUIRES a pound of mild sausage. | ||
Requirement [req] | The state-of-affairs that must obtain in order for the Dependent to obtain. | |
Non-Core: | ||
Condition [con] | The conditions under which the the Requirement is necessary. | |
This Par 5 DEMANDS great shotmaking if the player is to equal or better par. | ||
Degree [deg] Semantic Type Degree | The extent to which the Dependent depends on the presence of the Required_entity or the obtaining of the Requirement. | |
A performance like this absolutely DEMANDS charm. | ||
Domain [dom] | The field of endeavor whose nature imposes the Requirement. | |
Explanation [exp] Semantic Type State_of_affairs | The state-of-affairs which militates that the Requirement is necessary for the Dependent to obtain. | |
Place [pla] Semantic Type Locative_relation | Place denotes a location in which the specified relation between Requirement and Dependent holds. | |
In the US, putting this on the agenda REQUIRES the political weight and leadership of big city mayors. | ||
Required_individual [reqi] | An individual that has to provide the Required_entity or to see to it that the Requirement state of affairs holds. | |
It's a sport that DEMANDS everything of me. | ||
Time [tim] Semantic Type Time | The time at which the Requirement is necessary for the Dependent. |
Inherits From: Contingency
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on: Requirement_scenario
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
necesitar.v, precisar.v, requerir.v
Created by josef on Thu Jun 09 14:01:53 CEST 2005