

Semantic Type
Non-Lexical Frame



Obligation [obl]
An expression of the commitment which the Parties have to engage in a commercial transaction.

Parties [pars]
The group of individuals portrayed as equally involved in having a commercial agreement.

Party_1 [par1]
Semantic Type
The individual or individuals that form the more prominent (i.e. agentive) party of the commercial agreement, as compared with Party_2. That is, Party_1 is generally encoded as the External Argument of verbs, and peripheral FEs that do not make reference to the event itself generally make reference to Party_1. Thus manner expressions are construed to apply to Party_1, not necessarily to Party_2 or the group of Parties as a whole.

Party_2 [par2]
Semantic Type
The semantically (and grammatically) less prominent participant (or group of participants) in the agreement. It is generally encoded within a prepositional phrase (e.g. headed by with).

Topic [top]
Topic is a description of the domain covered by the commercial agreement.
Medium [med]
As with other frames in the Communication domain, the Medium of communication may be expressed. Medium is the physical entity or channel used to record or negotiate the Obligation.
       The parties have a written AGREEMENT to arbitrate disputes arising in connection with the contract.

Place [pla]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Place where an agreement was made.

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
This FE identifies the Time when the agreement was made.

Inherits From: Be_in_agreement_on_action
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of: Commerce_scenario
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by josef on Tue Jul 19 08:17:11 CEST 2005