

The Hearer receives a Message or communication on a particular Topic. Words in this frame denote events of verbal communication, but express the Hearer rather than the Speaker as an External Argument.

ESCUCHÉ por la radio que había habido un golpe de estado en España. ECNI

Todos hemos podido ESCUCHAR esta trágica noticia.



Hearer [Hea]
Semantic Type
The FE Hearer denotes the person who receives a Message. It is expressed as an Exteranal Argument in this frame.
       Los habitantes de Sarajevo ESCUCHARON su discurso con el eco de fondo de las explosiones de los obuses.

Message [Mes]
Semantic Type
The Message is the index content that is communicated from one person to another. It is normally expressed as an NP Object or a finite clause Complement:
       Los chicos ESCUCHABAN la segunda recopilación de canciones de su grupo favorito.
       Ayer ESCUCHÉ por la radio que el ejército había tomado las calles de Madrid.
Depictive [Dep]
The state of a focal participant during the time the invention takes place.
       Los telespectadores HAN ESCUCHADO conmovidos todas las torturas a que él la sometía.

Frequency [Fre]
The FE Frquency denotes the number of times an event occurs per some unit of time.
       Se ESCUCHABAN frecuentemente gritos de niños malcriados.

Iteration [Ite]
The FE Iteration is used for expressions that indicate the number of times the event denoted by the target has taken place.
       Pocas veces, se HAN ESCUCHADO palabras tan dramáticas de un presidente.

Manner [Man]
Manner of performing an action.

Medium [Med]
Medium is the index physical entity or channel used to transmit the Message. It is normally expressed as a PP-complement headed by on or in:
       The students HEARD the news on the radio.
       The students READ the news in the paper.
       HEMOS ESCUCHADO en varios medios de comunicación que en el año 2009 se acaba el mundo.

Place [Pla]
The Place where the event takes place.
       En el Estado de Chiapas se ESCUCHABAN disparos aislados.

Speaker [Spe]
Semantic Type
This is the index person who produces a Message. Typically, it is expressed in this frame as a PP-complement headed by from:
       The students HEARD from Pat that class was canceled.
       Giuseppe Diana fue ESCUCHADO como testigo del acusado.

Time [Tim]
Time when the event takes place.
       Los soldados ESCUCHARON ayer un fuerte golpe.

Topic [Top]
Topic is the index subject matter about which the Message is communicated. It is normally expressed as a PP-complement headed by about, with or without a quantificational noun:
       The students HEARD about class.
       The students HEARD something about today's class.
  The quantificational noun, if present, is treated as the Message.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Communication
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units


Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:01 CET 2001