The Hearer receives a Message or communication on a particular Topic. Words in this frame denote events of verbal communication, but express the Hearer rather than the Speaker as an External Argument. | |
ESCUCHÉ por la radio que había habido un golpe de estado en España. ECNI | |
Todos hemos podido ESCUCHAR esta trágica noticia. | |
Hearer [Hea] Semantic Type Sentient | The FE Hearer denotes the person who receives a Message. It is expressed as an Exteranal Argument in this frame. | |
Los habitantes de Sarajevo ESCUCHARON su discurso con el eco de fondo de las explosiones de los obuses. | ||
Message [Mes] Semantic Type Message | The Message is the index content that is communicated from one person to another. It is normally expressed as an NP Object or a finite clause Complement: | |
Los chicos ESCUCHABAN la segunda recopilación de canciones de su grupo favorito. | ||
Ayer ESCUCHÉ por la radio que el ejército había tomado las calles de Madrid. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Depictive [Dep] | The state of a focal participant during the time the invention takes place. | |
Los telespectadores HAN ESCUCHADO conmovidos todas las torturas a que él la sometía. | ||
Frequency [Fre] | The FE Frquency denotes the number of times an event occurs per some unit of time. | |
Se ESCUCHABAN frecuentemente gritos de niños malcriados. | ||
Iteration [Ite] | The FE Iteration is used for expressions that indicate the number of times the event denoted by the target has taken place. | |
Pocas veces, se HAN ESCUCHADO palabras tan dramáticas de un presidente. | ||
Manner [Man] | Manner of performing an action. | |
Medium [Med] | Medium is the index physical entity or channel used to transmit the Message. It is normally expressed as a PP-complement headed by on or in: | |
The students HEARD the news on the radio. | ||
The students READ the news in the paper. | ||
HEMOS ESCUCHADO en varios medios de comunicación que en el año 2009 se acaba el mundo. | ||
Place [Pla] | The Place where the event takes place. | |
En el Estado de Chiapas se ESCUCHABAN disparos aislados. | ||
Speaker [Spe] Semantic Type Sentient | This is the index person who produces a Message. Typically, it is expressed in this frame as a PP-complement headed by from: | |
The students HEARD from Pat that class was canceled. | ||
Giuseppe Diana fue ESCUCHADO como testigo del acusado. | ||
Time [Tim] | Time when the event takes place. | |
Los soldados ESCUCHARON ayer un fuerte golpe. | ||
Topic [Top] | Topic is the index subject matter about which the Message is communicated. It is normally expressed as a PP-complement headed by about, with or without a quantificational noun: | |
The students HEARD about class. | ||
The students HEARD something about today's class. | ||
The quantificational noun, if present, is treated as the Message. |
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Uses: Communication
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Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
Created by wooters on Wed Feb 07 16:12:01 CET 2001