

A Duty is imposed on a Responsible_party according to a Principle which regulates how the Responsible_party should respond to a Situation. The Situation may be expressed metonymically by reference to an Obligator, whose action invokes the Principle. It is only rarely the case that the Principle and the Situation/Obligator are both expressed overtly. They escaped total Soviet invasion and occupation only by entering into a separate agreement that obligated them to military action against the retreating German armies. The lease agreements bound them to make rent payments to Homeowners Rescue. It was also discovered that with out her knowlege, he had committed her to a new TV series and he had already taken an advance on the money. The Generality's invitation to give a conference on the theme obligated me to study GaudA Duty is imposed on a Responsible_party according to a Principle which regulates how the Responsible_party should respond to a Situation. The Situation may be expressed metonymically by reference to an Obligator, whose action invokes the Principle. It is only rarely the case that the Principle and the Situation/Obligator are both expressed overtly. They escaped total Soviet invasion and occupation only by entering into a separate agreement that obligated them to military action against the retreating German armies. The lease agreements bound them to make rent payments to Homeowners Rescue. It was also discovered that with out her knowlege, he had committed her to a new TV series and he had already taken an advance on the money. The Generality's invitation to give a conference on the theme obligated me to study Gaud**********ERROR in XML Markup : Error on line 10: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.



Duty [dut]
The action that the Responsible_party is obligated to perform.
       Had she really said the word which PLEDGED her to marry Horace Holmcroft in a fortnight?

Obligator [obl]
The Obligator is the person who imposes the Duty on the Responsible_party.
       She PLEDGED him to pay her the money back.

Principle [pri]
A regulating idea (which may be instantiated as a document) that the Responsible_party is subject to.
       And no law OBLIGATED him to talk to the police, let alone the media

Responsible_party [Resp]
The person who must perform the Duty.
       The winning bid COMMITTED her to paint an oil portrait for the high bidder.

Situation [sit]
A state of affairs that results in the Responsible_party being obligated to carry out the Duty in accordance with the Principle.
        Admitting a genocide was occurring would have OBLIGATED them, based on their signing the December 1948 Convention on the repression of genocide, to do something about it.
Condition [con]
This FE indicates the Conditions under which the Responsible_party is obligated to perform the Duty.

Manner [man]
Any holistic description of the details of the action, either comparing to another event or describing the action in terms of characteristics of the Obligator that affect the action holistically.
       You COMMITTED me to this maliciously !

Means [mea]
An event which brings about the obligation.
       She did n't understand that she OBLIGATED me to stay by always getting in trouble .

Place [pla]
Semantic Type
A location in which the Responsible_party has a specified Duty .
       At Dayton, the parties OBLIGATED themselves to respect and promote fulfillment of the annexes.

Purpose [pur]
The state-of-affairs that the Obligator hopes to bring about by imposing the obligation.
       She PLEDGED him to work on the project just to get him out of her hair .

Time [tim]
Semantic Type
The time interval during which the Duty is imposed on the Responsible_party by the Obligator or the Situation.
       The City Council then OBLIGATED themselves to have the sewers made ready and the streets leveled off without any additional cost to the Sisters.

Inherits From: Transitive_action
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of: Being_obligated
See Also:

Lexical Units

Created by josef on Mon Jun 13 17:32:59 CEST 2005