This frame deals with containers or covering areas, the Source, which comes to be emptied of a substance or items, the Theme. The area or container usually appears as the External with all these verbs, and is designated Source, because it is the source of motion of the Theme. | |
Con el paso de los años, SE FUE VACIANDO de agua la laguna. | |
In this frame (and in other frames related to fullness and emptyness) there is a salient usage where the Theme is specifically interpretable as a self-mover. | |
Las calles de la ciudad SE VACIARON de gente. | |
Source [Sou] | The Source is the region or container which is emptied of something. In this frame, the Source occurs usually as an External. | |
Los depósitos SE VACIARON en pocas horas. | ||
Theme [The] | The Theme, when overtly expressed, usually occurs in a PP Complement headed by de 'of'. | |
El temporal fue de tal magnitud que la piscina del barco SE VACIÓ de agua y se inundó la cubierta. | ||
La calles de la ciudad SE VACIARON de gente. | ||
Non-Core: | ||
Cause [Cau] | The Cause is the non-sentient force which instigates the emptying. | |
La piscina SE VACIÓ debido a una fuga de agua. | ||
Degree [Degr] | The Degree to which the Source is emptied. | |
El depósito SE VACIÓ totalmente. | ||
Goal [] | The Goal is any expression which tells where the Theme ends up, or would end up, as a result of the motion. | |
Dejé la mochila abierta y todo su contenido SE VACIÓ sobre el suelo. | ||
Iteration [Ite] | The FE Iteration indicates the number of times that the inchoative emptying event has taken place. | |
La piscina SE HA VACIADO varias veces. | ||
Manner [Manr] | The Manner in which the Source empties. | |
Place [Place] | Place where the emptying event takes places. | |
Reason [] | The Reason for which an event occurs. | |
Result [Res] | This FE identifies the resultant action of the inchoative emptying event. | |
Time [Tim] | This FE identifies the Time when the emptying event takes place. |
Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
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Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:
Created by subirats on Sat Mar 04 03:02:16 CET 2006