

This frame deals with containers and covering areas, the Goal, that come to be filled with some thing, things or substance, the Theme. The area or container (Goal) usually appears as the external with all these verbs, and is designated Goal because it is the goal of motion of the Theme. Corresponding to its nuclear argument status, the Goal is also affected in some crucial way, unlike goals in other frames.

La cisterna SE LLENÓ de agua.

El valle SE CUBRIÓ de nieve durante el invierno.

La cripta de aquella iglesia abandonada SE INUNDÓ de agua.



Goal [Goa]
The Goal is the area or container being filled. Goal is generally the External Argument in this frame.
       El sótano de la casa SE INUNDÓ completamente.

Theme [The]
The Theme is the physical object or substance which changes location. The Theme most frequently occurs in a PP Complement headed by de 'of'.
       Con el paso de los años, la casa SE FUE LLENANDO de trastos.
Beneficiary [Ben]
This FE applies to participants that derive a benefit from the occurrence of the event specified by the target predicate. The target predicate does not have to involve an agent that intends that the benefit go to the Beneficiary.
       Los domingos, la plaza SE LLENABA de tenderetes que vendían uniformes, lápices, libretas y libros para las familias interesadas en adquirir materiales de secundaria y preparatoria.

Cause [Cause]
The Cause is the non-sentient force which instigates the filling.
       El depósito SE LLENÓ de agua a causa de la lluvia.

Degree [Degr]
Degree to which filling occurs.
       La sala de operaciones SE HA INUNDADO totalmente.

Depictive [Dep]
Depictive phrase describing the Goal or the Theme of the filling action.

Duration [Dur]
The FE Duration denotes the amount of time the motion event is ongoing.
       El depósito SE HA ESTADO LLENANDO durante varias horas.

Facilitating_event [Fac]
This FE denotes an event that has a facilitating relation to the inchoative motion event expressed by the target. This FE is usually expressed by a PP headed by al 'to-the' followed by an infinitival verb form.
       Al llover tanto, SE HAN LLENADO de agua todos los embalses.

Frequency [Fre]
Frequency specifies how often the filling event occurs.
       El sótano de la casa SE INUNDA casi cada invierno.

Iteration [Ite]
The FE Iteration is used for expressions that indicate the number of times an event (of the kind denoted by the target in its clause) has taken place or held.
       ¡El sótano SE HA INUNDADO ya tres veces!

Manner [Man]
The Manner in which the filling occurs.
       Las estanterías SE FUERON LLENANDO de polvo lentamente.

Place [Place]
Place where the filling event takes place.
       En esta región, las montañas SE suelen CUBRIR de nieve en invierno.

Possessor [Pos]
This FE identifies the possessor of the Goal that is mentioned in the inchoative filling event.
       La piscina SE me ha vuelto a LLENAR de barro.
       Tras tomar aquel brebaje, la piel SE le LLENÓ de ampollas.

Reason [Rea]
The Reason why the Goal gets filled or covered.
       Varios barrios cuyas viviendas SE INUNDARON con las fuertes corrientes provocadas por las lluvias.

Result [Res]
The Result is the resultant state after the filling has occurred.
       Las calles de La Habana SE INUNDARON haciendo aún mas caótica la circulación de automóviles.

Time [Tim]
Time when the filling occurs.
       El estadio comenzó a LLENARSE por la tarde.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

cubrirse.v, inundarse.v, llenarse.v

Created by subirats on Sat Mar 04 01:11:04 CET 2006