

A Situation or Entity has an influence on a Cognizer, Dependent_event, or a Dependent_entity. The influence may be general; or it may be manifested in the Cognizerr's engaging in an Action as a consequence of the influence; or the Cognizer may be influenced in how they carry out a Behavior that they are engaged in already. Alternatively, a Product may be specified whose production or design was influenced by the Cognizer's experience of the Situation or Entity. In this frame, by contrast, a Cognizer may perceive an influence yet not respond to it in any way. Note that the mediation of the Cognizer's psyche is not necessary. Thus a Situation or Entity might have an influence on a Dependent_event, where they occur automatically given the appropriate kind of influencing force.

Una depresión puede INFLUIR en crear un ambiente intrauterino difícil para el bebé.


Action [Act]
An Action that the Cognizer decides to carry out as a consequence of the influence of a Situation or Entity.
       What factors INFLUENCED Nixon to issue the doctrine?

Behavior [Beh]
Behavior that the Cognizer is engaged in independently but whose execution is subsequently influenced by the Situation or Entity. It might probably be difficult to use this FE in Spanish, since the distinction between Action and Behavior isn't as clear as in English.
       Esta situación INFLUYÓ en las prácticas autoritarias de la dictadura.
       Attention will also be paid to St. Paul , what INFLUENCED him in his thinking and what he wrote in his letters about sex, sexuality, men and women

Cognizer [Cog]
The person who is influenced by the Situation or Entity.
       El rock INSPIRA a los artistas de hoy en día.
       . George Gilder would run with this idea later in writing the New Testament of supply-side economics that INFLUENCED Reagan.

Dependent_entity [Dep_e]
An entity, usually a thing, that is influenced in its behavior by an Influencing_entity or an Influencing_situation.
       The Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board regarding the group's activities as they IMPACT on the environment.

Dependent_event [Dep_ev]
An event whose temporal or other characteristics are influenced by an influencing Cognizer or Action.

Entity [Ent]
A person or thing that has an influence on the Cognizer or the Dependent_event.
        Algunas bases químicas INFLUYEN en que algunos humanos sean más violentos que otros.
       The painting INSPIRED me to take a risk and use the intense green for the sky.

Product [Pro]
An entity that stands metonymically for the actions and considerations that produced it.
       La inmediatez de la radio IMPACTA a los oyentes con la barbarie de un asesinato como el de ayer.
       Does anyone know what INSPIRED this song?

Situation [Sit]
A state of affairs -- which can be an event, state or conditions -- that has an influence on the Cognizer or the Dependent_event.
       El mal tiempo INFLUYÓ en que no se registrará la entrada que esperaban.
       The balmy temperatures INSPIRED me to write a poem on the advent of spring.
       La actitud pública de González INFLUYÓ en las instituciones de l Estado.
       Hecker said that although the sheer age of the building INSPIRED him to preserve its heritage aspects he also designed its interiors around the ·clean and fresh· mood of Queensland.

Degree [Deg]
This FE selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
       Mondrian INFLUYÓ mucho en mejorar mis escasos recursos económicos.

Duration [Dur]

Enabling_event [En_e]

Facilitating_event []
This FE denotes an event that has a facilitating relation to the inchoative motion event expressed by the target. This FE is usually expressed by a PP headed by al (by) followed by an infinitival verb form.
       Al ver perritos de verdad en el escenario, la obra provocó un EFECTO de alegría en los niños.

Manner [Man]
Manner of performing an action.
       Las dotes del compositor IMPACTARON con fuerza en su tiempo.

Means []

Place [Pla]

Purpose [Pur]

Reason [Rea]
A state of affairs the Agent is responding to in performing the action indicated by the target.
       Este álbum de música IMPACTARÁa muchos porque va dirigido a todo tipo de público.

Time [Tim]
The FE Time refers when the event takes place.

Inherits From:
Is Inherited By:
Subframe of:
Has Subframes:
Is Preceded by:
Is Used By:
Perspective on:
Is perspectivized in:
Is Causative of:
See Also:

Lexical Units

efecto.n, impactar.v, impacto.n, influencia.n, influir.v, influyente.a

Created by subirats on Tue Apr 24 03:30:51 CEST 2007